Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1324

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1286 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 429. 1899. injured, or poisoned shall die thereof within said District,_the_person committing such crime is liable to punishment therefor in said District; and in such case, the action therefor may be commenced and tried in · said District. _ Wim ¤·t¤*i¤*·*·¤· ·¤ Sec. 9. That when an act declared to be a crime is within the jurisgigietnasamtgll diction of any State, county, or Territory, as well as of said District, a conviction or acquittal therefor in the former is a bar to a prosecution therefor in said District. CHAPTER Form. 01-* THE GRAND JURY. Seq, Sec. 13. Grand jury, how selected and sum- l 14. Qualifications of grand jurors. moned. 1 15. `Who are exempt. Grand jury. how Sec. 10. That grand juries, to inquire of the crimes designated in

 ""1 °"" title one of this Act, committed or triable within said District, shall be

selected and summoned, and their proceedings shall be conducted, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the United States with respect to grand juries of the United States district and circuit courts, the true intent and meaning of this section being that but one grand jury shall be summoned in each division of the court to inquire into all offenses committed or triable within said District, as well tho e that are designated in title one of this Act as those that are defined in other laws of the United States. qunieentions or Sec. 11. That a person is not competent to act as a juror who has 5-"‘“‘°’“'°'°‘ been convicted of a felony nor unless he be a citizen of the United · States, a male inhabitant of the District, over twenty-one years of age, and in possession of his natural faculties and of sound mind. W1¤<•¤r¤•¤¤¤rt- Sec. 12. That a person is exempt from liability to act as a grand juror if he be- First. A judicial officer; Second. Any other civil officer of said District or of the United States whose duties are at the time inconsistent with his attendance as 8_)u1‘0r; Third. An attorney; ` Fourth. A minister of the go pel or priest of any denomination; Fifth. A teacher in a college, academy, or school; Sixth. A practicing physician; _ Seventh. An acting noncommissioned officer, musician or private of a military organization, duly enrolled in the service of the United States or of said District. ‘ CHAPTER Frvn. OF THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE GRAND JURY. see. 5...,, 13. Dut of and 'u . 21. ra °ues i ‘s s 14. Mayyiudiit whether defendant has Goilligelsfyto mv t gate lm on and been held to answer or not. 22. To haveaccess to prisons and records. 15. When grand jury may present for 23. District attorney to present indictopinion of court. ment, when. 16. Presentment, duty of court in rela- 24. Same subject. mon thereto. 25. District attorney must attend sit- 17. Foremeu may administer oaths to tings. Who maybepresent. witnesses. 26. Indictment not to be found on state- 18. May order explanatory evidence to be ment of juror unless sworn. plroduced. _ _ _ 27. When_grand juror bound to disclose 19. Wmat tevndence will warrant indict- Ftestimony of a witness. CD . . . Il O 11] · 20. Grand juror must disclose his know]- 28 ttlitmgdf grand Juror ay be ques edge of commission of crime. D¤¤y¤fzr•¤¤:l¤¤y. _ Sec. 13. That the grand jury have power, and it is their duty, to ‘ inquire into all crimes committed or triable within the jurisdiction of the court, and present them to the court, either by presentment or indictment, as provided in this Act. ‘ ‘ ·