Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1303

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FLFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 429. 1899. 1265 Sec. 82. That if any person shall connect together different parts of F¤‘¤¤d¤i¤u¢l,y _.i<>i¤· several bank notes or other genuine instruments in such manner as to ixzdigilgig mmm produce an additional or different note or instrument, with intent to utter or pass all of them as true and genuine, the same shall be deemed a forgery in like manner and with like efiect as if each of them had been falsely made or forged, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than two years or more than twenty years. Sec. 83. That if any person shall willfully or knowingly make or alter ¥=*ki¤s ¤el¤¤ ¤*· any receipt or other written evidence of the delivery into any warehouse, $$2:: gi glgiiilg il} commission house, forwarding house, mill, ’store, or other building occu- "”“"’°“°°· pied by him or his employer, of any grain, flour, pork, beef, wool, or other goods, wares, or merchandise which shall not have been so received or delivered previous to the making and uttering of such receipt or other written evidence thereof, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year. ` Sec. 84. That if any person shall willfully and knowingly use or K¤<>Wi¤1s1y¤»i¤s<>r cause to be used any private brands, label, stamp, or trade-mark of Yllillifgréltling mw another, either by counterfeiting the same or using any impression or copy thereof made or prepared by the proprietor thereof, or shall willfully and knowingly use or cause to be used any colorable imitation of such brand, label, stamp, or trade-mark, with intent to deceive any one, _», { such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprison- F" ment in the county jail not less than one month nor more than six months, or by fine not less than twenty nor more than three hundred dollars. . A Sec. 85. That if any fictitious or pretended signature purporting to _»1¤¤*¤s ¤•=¤¢i¤¤¤ be the signature of an officer or agent of any public or private corpora- ”"°'°°“'°' tion shall be affixed to any instrument or writing purporting to be a note, draft, or other evidence of debt issued by such corporation, with intent to utter or pass the same as true and genuine, it shall be deemed a forgery, though no such person may ever have been an officer or. agent of such corporation, nor such corporation ever have existed, and the person aiiixing to such instrument such fictitious or pretended signature shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than two years or more than twenty years. Sec. 86. That in all prosecutions for forgery or counterfeiting any M}'jj;*;g°ggD{c¤*°;;g· bank bill or note, or for uttering, publishing, or tendering in payment "° ' as true and genuine any forged or counterfeited bank bill or note, or for being in possession thereof with the intent to utter or pass them as true and genuine, the testimony of any person acquainted with the signature of the officer or agent authorized to sign the bills or notes of the bank of which said bill or note is alleged to be a counterfeit or similitude, or who has knowledge of the difference in appearance of the true and counterfeit bills or notes thereof, may be admitted to prove that any such bill or note is counterfeit. Sec. 87. That if any person, having been convicted of any crime f_’¤*jj¤Q{¥¤g;; ·>*Zv**’· defined in any of the preceding sections of this chapter, shall after- ZZ.; ZJ'.,..,? °' "°` wards be convicted of the same or any other crime so defined, such ` person shall be punished by imprisonment not less than the longest ‘ term mentioned in the section under which he may be indicted and tried. Sec. 88. That if any person shall mix or adulterate any gold dust _ M¤i¤¤¤¤¤i¤z¤r¤e11- with any metal or coin found of less value than such gold dust, with f,‘},§,f""‘“°'“‘°" #1** intent to pass or sell or in any way dispose of such gold dust, so mixed or adulterated, as genuine, or shall pass, sell, or otherwise dispose of or cause to be sold, passed, or otherwise disposed of, or shall attempt to pass, sell, or in any way dispose of, as genuine and pure, any gold dust so mixed or adulterated, knowing the same to be so mixed or adulterated, he shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years. Sno, 89. That if any person shall have any gold dust in his posses- w};·;jj;=¤¤ig>d¤ftadwsion mixed or adulterated as described in section eighty-eight, knowing g° “ ‘ the same to be mixed or adulterated, with intent to pass or sell or in von xxx—-S0