Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1300

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1262 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. GH. 429. 1899. hay, fruit, or vegetable products there growing and being, such p_erson, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the - county jail not less than one nor more than six months, or by due not less than live nor more than fifty dollars. Fast driving om Sec. 65. That if any person shall willfully ride or drive over any "“’“" b“°g°‘ public bridge at a greater speed than a walk, or shall drive at any one time more than twenty head of cattle, horses, or mules over any such bridge, such person hall be punished by fine not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. Tr¤&r¤¤¤i¤z ¤¤ Sec. 66. That if any person shall willfully cut down, destroy, or I'"' ‘“°"‘°" injure any standing or growing tree upon the lands of another, or shall willfully take or remove from any such lands any timber or wood previously cut or severed from the same, or shall willfully dig, take, quarry, or remove from any such lands any mineral, earth, or stone, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not less than one month nor more than one year, or by line not less than fifty nor more than one thousand dollars. m'far¤,;P•¤¤i¤i‘s¤·;·; Sec. 67. That if any person other than an officer on lawful business .,,£...,’°°°°°° shall go or trespass on any lands or premises in the lawful occupation of another, and shall fail, neglect, or refuse to depart therefrom immediatetlyland remain away uptil permitted to return upom the yerbal or prin or written notice o the owner or person in the a u occupation of said lands or premises, such trespasser shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by ilne not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, and shall be committed, in default of payment of the fine and cost imposed, one day for each two dollars of the said iiue and costs. lv¤•¤¤• nf mb- Sec. 68. That printed or written notices, having attached thereto, by authority, the name of the owner or person in the lawful occupation of said lands or premises, and requiring all persons toforbear trespassing on said lands or premises and to depart therefrom, posted in three conspicuous places ou said lands or premises,`shall be held and deemed to , _ lxdsufficient prima facie evidence of notice as mentioned in the last pre- 'ug section. °t§¥¤¤sN¤• w•is¤¤· Sec. 69. That if any person shall knowingly use any false weight or ' xlpeasureaand sh(all thereby deziraud or gtherwise injure tpiother, or shall nowing y mar or stamp a a se weig t or measure or alse tare upon any cask or package, or shall knowingly sell or oiier for sale any cask or paeillzaigug so marked, suich pepson, upon cqnviction thereof, shall ble pums y imprisonmen in the county jai not ess than one mont lnor gicgiéeshlau one year, or by line not less than nity nor more than tive un r dollars. opium; or umn- SEO. 70. That if an erson shall willful! o n or read or cause to {§§,,°,!f“““" °¥u'°‘*°° be opened and read, duly sealed letter not addrlésed to himself, without being azthoiiimd sp to dcagitherdby the vzriter of Such letter or by the person w om i is resse or shall wil u without the like authority, publish any letter or portion thereof, kyiiowing it to have peen so rppened, sinch plprson, upon cpnvicfion thereof, shall be punished y imp sonmen in the county jai not ess than one mouth nor more than one year, or by fine not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars; but this section shall not be construed to extend to or include ang act made punishable by any other law of the United States. dumwhnénm 1>r<>· Ec. 71. That if any person shall fraudulently produce an infant, ‘ ‘ and falsely pretend that it was born of any parent whose child would . be entitled to inherit any real estate or interest therein, or to receive a share of any personal estate, with intent to intercept the inheritance of any such real estate or interest therein, or the distribution of any such £°p?.1’“.;€u°.?iY.“t»¥3t";i.'1?.2L?%’ ‘$T.Ti‘I“i}§'K1‘£’§ii§Il“'¥}§"iF.}‘°§l‘Z‘.§"¤?.‘.1§°.’£ l’§"2‘£’2 n penitentiary not less thah one nor more than ten ye£·s. Ogprgsgggtivighigz Sec. 72. That if any person to whom an infant has been couiided for nursing, education, or other purpose, shall, with intent to deceive any parent or guardian of such child, substitute or produce to such parent