Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1251

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. ·l26. 1899. 1213 remittin g all further claims of damage under said contract, and to settle and adjust his unsettled accounts with the Government, after the deduction of said_ sum of one thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury IS directed to pay this balance found due said Hellman upon the proper vouchers therefor: Provided, That the said Hellman P~¤¤¢·· shall accept the amount so found due in full and iinal settlement of all c°‘,‘#§°.§°`If,’$ui{°_ b° °°` claims upon the Government. That the Secretary of \Var be, and he is hereby, authorized and H°¤’Y ·I·H°wi°°· directed to cause to be investigated by the Quartermaster’s Department of the United States Army the claim of Henry J. Hewitt, of the State of Missouri, for corn, oats, hay, horses, and wagons taken from him for the use of the Army in northern Missouri in the years eighteen hundred and sixty-two, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and eighteen hundred `and sixtyilve, and for the use and occupation of his hotel, storehouse, and barns by the military authorities of the United States at Macon City, Macon County, Missouri, and at Lancaster, Schuyler County, Missouri, during the years eighteen hundred and sixty-two, eighteen hundred and sixty- ‘ three, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and eighteen hundred and sixty-five, such investigation to extend to the status of the claimant, whether loyal or not, the value of the forage and other property taken, the actual rental value of the hotel, storehouse, and barns for the time they were occupied and used by the United States authorities; the purposes for which the hotel, storehouse, and barns were used and by whose authority and direction, and whether the forage, horses, and wagons so taken were a part of the outfit employed by him as a contractor or subcontractor in carrying the United States mails to northern Missouri and southern Iowa during the years named; and` that the Secretary of War shall determine the value of such property, if any, and report the facts and amount found due to Congress. That the personal representatives of the late John Sherman, junior, J°l¤¤ $¤¤¤¤¤-Jrlate United States marshal for the Territory of New Mexico, be, and they are hereby, relieved from the rendition of his emolument returns for the period from July iirst to December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and from January iirst to April twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and eightytwo, as required by section eight hundred and R‘S‘“°°·m·P·*“· thirty-three of the Revised Statutes. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized ·I°“°H-S**i¤'¤¤¤<*· and directed to investigate the claim of Jesse H. Strickland, late colonel of the Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, for the pay and allowance of a colonel of cavalry from January thirtieth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to April tirst, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty- four, deducting all pay and allowances paid to him in any other military capacity for the time, and report the facts and amount found due to Congress. That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, authorized and W‘“*“m W°**=· directed to cause to be investigated by the Quartermaster—General of the United States Army the circumstances, character, and extent of the claim of William Wolfe, of Shelbina, Shelby County, Missouri, for the loss of the schooner Anna Sophia, belonging to him, and for freight, while on a voyage from New Orleans, Louisiana, to Indianola, Texas, the said schooner alleged to have been lost, together with her cargo of public stores, while in the military service of the United States, off the bar at said Indianola, in the month of August, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five; and report the facts and amount found to be due to Congress. · In case of the death of any claimant, or death or discharge of any ,_,f,’,§Q§,$§,,§g_ ‘°g°‘ executor or administrator of any claimant herein named, then payment of such claim as herein provided shall be made to the legal represent- _ atives: Provided, That Where 3 claimant IS dead the administrator, {.'{,‘;‘g°c;l_tmed copy executor, or legal representatives shall tile a certified copy of his bond, tr ima, which bond must be at least equal in amount to the sum hereby appro-