Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1179

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FIFTY-FIFTH oononnss. snss. III. on. 425. 1899. 1 141 The sum of twenty-tive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may LBWF f" ty*°” °* be necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be expended under the direc- thin;:;?;: 1.yuei$Yi.`lv° tion of the Secretary of War, for the construction of a boat suitable for operating on the navigable streams of the State of Louisiana in removing therefrom the aquatic plant known as the water hyacinth, so far as it is an obstruction and hindrance to interstate or foreign commerce- also, one thousand dollars for log booms to be used as adjuncts _°"*‘°“"°“# °‘“" to such steamer, and ten thousand dollars for conducting the necessary operations, making thirty-six thousand dollars in all, according to the estimate and recommendation of the War Department as found in House Document Number Ninety-one, Fitty-fifth Congress, third session. Improving Bayou Teche, Louisiana: Continuing improvement, ten B*Y°° T°°'*°·L¤- thousand dollars. Improving Mermentau River and tributaries, Louisiana: Completing LM¤¤¤·¤*·¤¤ Fmt improvement, six thousand one hundred and tlfteen dollars and twenty- °` five cents. ' Improving J ohnson’s Bayou, Louisiana: Completing improvement in ·’°**”°¤'¤B¤Y°**·L* gcgxrdance with the approved project, two thousand five hundred 0 ars. Improving Bayou Courtableau, Louisiana: Continuing improvement I f*°5'°“ C°¤’°°‘**°¤¤· by removal of the raft at its mouth and preventing re-formation thereof,` twenty thousand dollars. Improving Trinity River, Texas: Continuing improvement, seven Tami Rim- TM- thonsand dollars: Provided, That out of said sum the Secretary of War {fryeis hereby directed to cause a preliminary survey of said Trinity River og §Z."m°°"y "my to be made from its mouth to the city of Dallas, with separate estimates of the cost of procuring a navigable depth at low water of four feet, tive feet, and six feet, respectively, in said river, by locks and dam or otherwise; said report to include the best method for improving the t river, and such report may be made so as to divide said river into separate sections, with a statement of the advisability of such improvement. Improving Sabine River, Texas: For maintenance, two thousand S•1>i¤¤ River. Tc:. dollars. For the improvement of the Brazos River between Velasco and Rich- B¤•=°¤ Rl'"- mond, West Galveston Bay Channel, Double Bayou, and the mouths C,fZ:::,G¤l;’0¤:£g:*g3 of adjacent streams, sixty-five thousand dollars, out of which said sum y »¤, mf ` a suitable dredge and snagging outfit may be provided to carry on said work and to be used on other approved projects on the Texas coast, including streams emptying into the Gulf of Mexico and bays connected therewith. Improving the mouths of the Sabine and N eches rivers, ten thousand iSM•¤¤¤ wl Noche-- dollars: Provided, That from said amount there shall be paid the`}Y{T,;;,,,_ expenses of making a survey by a board of engineers to be designated cI_Q_Q;:: *3_p;:¤;·_¤·=·: by the Secretary of War, and said board shall make a reexamination tate Lam-. E ` of the proposed channel through Sabine Lake and make a report thereon. Improving Arkansas River, Arkansas and Indian Territory: Con- igirgzgggd ¥;,i*¤*· tinuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, Thatrittnc.' the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, use so much of said sum "*°"'“’“‘*°“· as may be necessary to repair and protect existing dikes, and to remedy and guard against any injury to the harbors or river banks in their vicinity that may have been injured or endangered by reason of changes in the channel or encroachments of the river at or near Pine Bluif, Little Rock, Dardanelle, Van Buren, and Fort Smith, for the purpose of confining the river to the adopted channel, so as to give ease and safety to navigation: Provided further, That in the discretion of the R¤¤¤r¤¤z¤¤¤z¤-wg- Secretary of War the sum of fifty thousand dollars of said amount hereby appropriated may be used in removing snags, sand bars, and other obstructions to navigation in said river, and in repairing and _B<>¤¤1 w <¤=¤¤¤¤¤5¤ operating snag boats. The President is authorized to appoint a board "'°" ot'th ree from the Corps of Engineers, whose duty it shall be to thoroughly examine the Arkansas River and report as soon as practicable to the