Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1174

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1 136 FIFTY-Firrn oonennss. sms. III. on. 425. 1899. D°l*{¤*d°*k*“ Ri"°*‘· Improving Murderkill River, Delaware: Continuing improvement, ` _ five thousand dollars. Dgmd C’°°k R““"· Improving Broad Creek River, Delaware: Completing improvement, `_ _ _ _ five thousand dollars. ' D§f"’P'“‘°“ R"’"· Improving Mispillion River, Delaware: Completing improvement and for maintenance, two thousand five hundred dollars. Dg“:£,°§},f Ri""» Improving N anticoke River, Delaware and Maryland: Continuing `improvement, three thousand dollars. Mgl·<>1>*¤¤k Ri"°¤`· Improving Choptank River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, ' eight thousand dollars. _ Ch°°*“ m‘""· M*‘· Improving Chester River, Maryland: Completing improvement, three thousand two hundred dollars. A M¤¤°ki¤ R*"°’·Md· Improving Manokin River, Maryland:. Continuing improvement, one _ _ thousand five hundred dollars. W“""°kR"°’*Md‘ Improving Warwick River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, two thousand dollars. B5gjgjj° R*‘°' *° Improving Patapsco River and channel to Baltimore: Continuing ` improvement, two hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of obtaining a channel thirty feet in depth, in accordance with the project submitted December first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, as amended c°“”"““· by the report of December third, eighteen hundred and ninety~six; and the Secretary of War may enter into contracts for such material and labor as may be required for prosecuting such improvement, not to exceed in the aggregate one million dollars, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law. Mf,’*·¢¤·¤°k° RiV°’· Improving Pocomoke River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, ' three thousand dollars. logetggxmgggy be Improving Potomac River at and below the city of Washington, p,.,.,:,.,,District of Columbia, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That C°“*’°°“· the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for the materials and work necessary for the completion of the improvements below the city of Washington, in accordance with the project submitted November sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, exclusive ot the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. vf1>1¤>¤¤¤¢’¢¤¤= Rive. Improving Appomattox River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, ° five thousand dollars. Vf‘**¤¤°¤*°¤" m"°’· Improving N ansemond River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, ' five thousand dollars. ·l¤¤=·*¤ R**¤¤‘·V¤ Improving James River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, one ' hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Mmini Crm. V¤- Improvin g Nomini Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. MP °*°°k· Ve Improving Deep Creek, Virginia, from the South Branch of the Elizabeth River to the new lock at the Dismal Swamp Canal, Turners Cut Level, Croatan Sound, and Pasquotank River, North Carolina, twenty- grvzvoks five thousand dollars: Provided, That a contract or contracts may be °" "‘° ‘ entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the project for the said improvement as submitted by Major Thomas L. Casey, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred and thirty-two thousand four hundred and nfty dollars, exclusive of the amount herein appropriated. mn 1 p gn shnncck Improving Rappahannock River, Virginia: Continuing improve- " ’ men_t, fifteen thousand dollars. Umm c¤·¤¤k,v:t Improving Urbana Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, three · thousand dollars. Yvfk Biv•¤r»V¤- Improving York River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. ocmqumvmhva Improving Occoquan Creek,_Virginia: Continuing improvement, two thousand five hundred dollars.