Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1170

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1132 FIFTY FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 425. 1899. not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of fiftytwo thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. A¤b1¤¤<1.Wié. Improving harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin: Conti uuin g improvement, thirtyfive thousand dollars, of which so much as shall be necessary may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be expended in com- ` pleting the shore end of the breakwater, now partly constructed, and connecting it with the land. Two nam, was Improving harbor at Two Rivers, `Wisconsin: For maintenance, eight thousand dollars. h Sgrggvn ¥¤yC¤¤¤1 Improving Sturgeon Bay Canal, harbor of refuge: For maintenance ” '° m °g°' of channel and piers, five thousand five hundred dollars. omemwas. Improving harbor at Oconto, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement and maintenance, fifteen thousand dollars. LSl:¤r§;19¤L_B¤y sind Improving Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal: Continu- 4;:,.,3 ° ly"` lp ing improvement, thirty thousand dollars. Manitowoc; wig. Improving harbor at Manitowoc, Wisconsin: For maintenance, three thousand three hundred dollars. ` L¤Cr¤=·>·¤.Wi¤ Completing harbor at La Crosse, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement according to the project reported January eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, twelve thousand dollars, exclusive of nve W1-2¤·¤-243· thousand dollars appropriated by river and harbor Act of June third, gggm- f d eighteen hundred and ninety-six: Provided, That no expenditure shall mm °”° °‘P°°be made for such purpose by the United States until the city of La Crosse shall have taken the necessary steps to carry the sewers across the area to be filled iu, so as to discharge outside of the bulkhead proposed in said project. Mfgnvd ‘M=¤¤i¤» Improving harbor at Grand Marais, Minnesota: Completing improve- ' ment, thirty thousand dollars. ` Agate B¤y.Mii¤¤. Improviug harbor at Agate Bay, Minnesota: Completing improve-, ment, seventy-one thousand seven hundred and eight dollars. A¥Vi¤<>·€¤l· Improving Alviso Harbor, Santa Clara County, California, in accordance with project reported December eleventh, eighteen hun- - _ dred and ninety-six, forty-eight thousand dollars. S"“D‘°€°·°‘r Improving harbor at San Diego, California: Continuing improvement, sixty-five thousand dollars. Cflfu Luis Obi“P°· Improving harbor at San Luis Obispo, California: Continuing improvement, fifty-Eve thousand dollars. H¤¤·b¤¤·1t€=¤l· Improving harbor at Humboldt, California: Continuing improve- _ ment, by dredging in the inner harbor, fifty thousand dollars. S" F"*”°’°°°·“- Improving San Francisco Harbor, Calitornia: By removing Arch Rock and Shag Rocks Numbered One and Two, all to a depth of thirty feet below mean low water, according to the report made Octoher thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, one hundred thousand {,’;:{j;*;,s_ dollars: Prgviidedk That the pecretlary of \Var may enter into a contract or contrac or e materia s an work necessar for the completion of said project, to be paid for as appropriations m§ay from time S3 time be made by law, not to exceed i n the aggregate five hundred thousand _ dollars, exclusive of the amount herein appropriated. ,{;‘,j¤;&'Q,f,§§{éQg:§é Yaquina Bay, Oregon: The Secretary of War is hereby authorized Klzbwtu improve- m apppintgl board oftthree epgiiieersdyvhg shaljdnaket examination v,,g_2,, _2,_,_ ereo , wi a view o ascer ainin e esira iit o' rosecutin P the work authorized by the river andgharbor Act of eilghtegn hundred and niuetysix, for such modification thereof as, in the judgment of said board may be desirable for the commerce of said bay, together Erith zgéeestimgte of ghe cogt of such wprk, and until such report shall ave n ma e an acte u on b on ress no further action shall be taken by the Secretary of li/Var gi puiiuanhe of existing law, and tive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is _ hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of such examination. B·'fjQ,*r¤;1;°k Bev °¤•* Intipgovintg gfillamsook and Bar, Oregon: Continuing improvemen , wen y- ve ousau dollars. SiuslawRiver,Oreg. Mouth of Siuslaw River, Oregon: Continuing improvement thirty thousand dollars. ’