Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1166

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1128 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. lll. Ch. 425. 1899. mg · hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That contracts may be °entered into by the Secretary of War for the whole or any part of such materials and work as may be required for prosecuting said improvement, or the said materials may bei purchased and the work dpne otiherwise than by contract to be pair or as appropriations may rom imo _ to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two million p,,,,;g,,_ dollars: Provided jvrther, That out of said sum two dredges may be _ constructed for said work. B""" R“`°"T°" Mouth of Brazos River, Texas: For dredging, and such other work as may be deemed most effective in the judgment of the Secretary of 0 War in improving and developing the harbor, eighty-five thousand .,.,,1 'm°"‘j,.e, 0, ,,§,,,,_ dollars: Provided, That no part ot said sum shall be expended until m.. by Bam Mr the Brazos River Channel and Dock Company shall file with the Secre-

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· V¤1-25-v·4·¤· compahy by its charter or by the Act of Congress approved August _ ninth, eighteen hundred and eightyeight, to charge or collect tolls for d£;**¤*¤*°*°“ °*` the use and navigation of said river; and the Secretary Bpf War is ` directed to have an examination made of the mouth of the razos and the jetties, and report to Congress the estimated cost of extending the jetties one-half mile, and the estimated depth and width of the channel to be obtained by such extension, and the estimated cost of obtaining ‘ twenty feet of water and a channel one hl§lldT€d and fifty feet wide. ·n.,Em; channel Deepening the channel from Galveston arbor to Texas City Texas: §‘;,"‘,° ._,,Q§;‘§*§{‘,f""' The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to enter into a contract or mmm. contracts for deepening the present channel north of Pelican Island from Galveston Harbor to Texas City, Texas, to a depth of twenty-five feet and one hundred feet wide at the bottom, at a cost not to exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, of which amount one hundred thoulsand dollars shall, be paid whenever it shall satisfactorily appear to the Secretary of ar through army engineers that said channel has been deepened to a depth of twenty-one feet, arid the remainder of · the price shall be paid when the whole work has been completed in a P T mznner satisigctory to lthe Sp[‘cretaryBof _ d tl _ Aransas ss., sx. mproving ransas ass exas: or re ging an o ner improve- 1>msm. ment of Aransas Pass Harbbr, sixty thousand dollars: Provided, That _§,j;;f{';},§fy°§‘; (f,'; thetsecretary of Yes is hereby authorized to contract for the removal nm. o at portion o the old Government jetty in said harbor from the end nearest the curved jetty constructed by the Aransas Pass Harbor Company to the wreck Mary, in such manner as to in no wise interfere with the curved jetty now located in said harbor: And provided further, Surrender pt ages That said contract shall not be let by the Secretary of War, nor said }§§,§{,§,'};Qj’,:,_"““ "` work done, until the said Aransas Pass Harbor Company shall have properly released and surrendered all rights and privileges heretofore gramled tto it in said harbor by Congress, also the jetty constructed in san ar or. u§,•}j:5s£::· T¤·¤ Sabine Pass, Texas and Louisiana: For straightening, widening, and gtherwise ilmpnlacilving the main tslhip channel, Sabine Pass, Texas and ouisrana y c remova of e oyster reefs mud flats and other material between a point one thousand feet north of the Uriited States hfesavmlg sizatrznhaénd ::1 point (prépcfsite the United States lighthouse, one un re any thousand o lars. P gal-pg: htggngr :::1 Corpus Christi and Padre Island Harbor, Texas: Section two of “A.n rt? ‘ Act to promote the construction of a safe deep-water harbor on the. $2}; g pg; coas; of Texa1s,” approviatdl gebruary ninth, eighteen hundred and ramessen r r nine y·one an as amen anuary twenty-thirdht h dred g::f'*°“‘§:¥ ”°”°*”*?’· and ninety-three, is hereby amended so as td7extend(tl§e time tdlilocate and commence the construction of the said Corpus Christi and Padre Island Harbor, off Padre Island, on the coast of Texas, two years from Februaryrinth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. xtnmlms, out. _Improving harbor at Ashtabula, Ohio: Continuing improvement, fifty nam. thousand dollars: Provodcd, That a contract or contracts may be °°¤*¤°°°· entered into by the Secretary of War for such materials and work as