Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1128

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1090 FIFTY-Firrn conennss. sees. 111. cu. 424. 1899. other facilities required for use with the same, and contingent expenses, thirty thousand five hundred dollars. _ fmiaqgfs ¤¤¤P°¤'>i¤S Inquiry respecting food-iishes: For field and contingent expenses of ' °the inquiry into the causes of the decrease of foodiishes in the lakes, rivers, and coast waters of the United States, and for the study of the E¤1>¤¤¤¤¤- waters of the interior in the interest of fish-culture; for the investigation of the fishing grounds of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacic coasts, with the view of determining their food resources, in the development of the commercial fisheries, including the expenses of necessary travel and preparation of reports, ufteen thousand dollars. S¤¤*i¤**°¤* *¤¤“i¤’· Statistical inquiry: For necessary traveling and contingent expenses in the collection and compilation of the statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, five thousand dollars. I¤*¢>r¤¤=¤z·=¤b*¤ ¤¤· And ten per centum of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous ’°“°"'"°°° expenses of the work of the commission shall be available interchangeably for expenditure on the objects named, but no more than ten per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation. m;;:g;;;i;§pn¤¤·INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. Salam:. For salaries of Commissioners, as provided by the “Act to regulate commerce,”_ thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars; For salary of secretary, as provided by the *‘Act to regulate commerce/’ three thousand nve hundred dollars; · §:p¤2·;¤¤¤-m For all other necessary expenditures to enable the Commission to v01§2.=»f£ZbssI give effect to the provisions of the “Act to regulate commerce," and all V°l·2"·P·"“‘~ Acts and amendments supplementary thereto, two hundred and nine thousand dollars; of which sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars may be expended in the employment of counsel, and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars may be expended for the purchase of necessary books, reports, and periodicals, and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars may be expended for printing other than that done at the Government Printing Office. In all, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. f°rt;2:_mbgg;ag; gg; The unexpended balance of the sum of ten thousand dollars approroads ma mu sm- priated for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine by the Pl<&*§;mdm b,_,_ “Act concerning carriers engaged in interstate commerce and their use mippropumd- employees/’ approved June first, eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, is A"‘°·P·‘”· hereby reappropriated and made available for expenses that may be incurred under said Act during the fiscal year nineteen hundred. M*¤°**“°¤°°“°· MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Qu1j_$j,¤:¤lg;;,;¤<g):= Ricrmnunsnmzmcr or QUANDT Bimwme Uominmr Arm ornnns: and umm. g “To enable the Secretary of the Treasury, who is hereby directed and required, to pay the following parties amounts paid to the late collector of internal revenue for the fourteenth district of New York in advance for internakrevenue stamps, which stamps were never delivered to said parties, namely: To the Quandt Brewing Company, two thousand three hundred and forty-three dollars and three cents; to Rnscher and Company, two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dollars and ninety- two cents; to Taylor Brewing Company, four hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents; to D. Mayer Brewing Company, two hundred and fifty dollars; in all, five thousand nine hundred and thirty- uve dollars and twenty cents. _t§;°;¤;·:;é;°V°¤“° PAPER AND STAMPS: For paper for internal-revenue stamps, including freight, thirty-five thousand dollars. rsggmgg g¤·1·*= wv- Hereafter the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval vn..·¤1 procured by of the Secretary of the Treasury, is authorized to procure any of the °°j;j*j*;,. 45., stamps provided for in the Act entitled “An Act to provide ways and ' means to meet war expenditures, and for other purposes," approved