Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/76

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dering each account, pay or secure the duties which by this act ought to be paid upon the refined sugar in the said account mentioned; and if any such refiner shall omit to make any such entry or report, he or she shall forfeitPenalties. and lose every pan or boiler which he or she shall have and use for the purpose of refining sugar, and shall also forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit.

Oath to be taken by refiners as to accounts of quantities of sugar sent out by them. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That every such refiner shall yearly, being thereunto required by the collector aforesaid, make oath or affirmation, according to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that the accounts which have been by him or her rendered of the quantities of refined sugar by him or her sent out, or procured or caused to be sent out of the house or building where the same shall have been manufactured, have been just and true.

Penalty for false oath.Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That if any person shall knowingly and with design, falsely swear or affirm touching any of the matters herein before required to be verified by oath or affirmation, he or she shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury.

Refiners to render account of buildings, pans, &c. &c.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That every refiner of sugar shall at each time of rendering an account, as herein before required, make a true and particular report of the buildings, pans, and boilers which he or she, at any time since that of rendering his or her last account, hath used or kept and shall then have, use or keep for carrying on the said business of refining sugar, on pain of forfeiting for each and every neglect or omission all such pans and boilers, together with the sum of five hundred dollars to be recovered with costs of suit.

Refined sugars upon which duties have not been paid to be forgeited.Sec. 6. And be it futher enacted, That all refined sugar which shall have been manufactured or made within the United States in manner aforesaid, after the said first day of January next, whereof the duties aforesaid have not been duly paid or secured, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall, upon default being made in the paying or securing of the said duties, be forfeited, and shall and may be seized as forfeited, by the collector aforesaid or officer of the customs.

Duties payable upon bonds in nine months.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for every such refiner of sugar, at his or her option, either to pay, upon the rendering of his or her account as aforesaid, the duties which shall thereby appear to be due and payable, with a deduction or abatement of six per cent. for prompt payment, or to give bond with one or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector, to whom such account shall be rendered, for the payment of the said duties, at the expiration of nine months thereafter; Provided, Proviso. That no person whose bond for any of the said duties shall remain unpaid beyond the term allowed for the payment thereof, shall be entitled to future credit for any of the said duties, so long as such bond shall remain unpaid.

Drawback allowed in certain cases.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the duties hereby laid upon sugar refined within the United States, shall and may be drawn back upon all such of the said sugar refined within the United States after the aforesaid first day of January next, which after the said day shall be exported from the United States to any foreign port or place: Provided, Proviso. That no drawback shall be allowed on any exportation as aforesaid, in any instance where the same shall amount to less than twelve dollars.

Notice to be given of the intention to export to authorize the payment of drawback.Sec. 9. And be further enacted, That in order to entitle the exporter or exporters to the benefit of the said allowance of drawback, he, she, or they shall, previous to the putting or lading any of the said refined sugar on board of any ship or vessel for exportation, give six hours notice at the least to the proper officer of inspection of the port from which the said sugar shall be intended to be exported, of his, her, or their intention to export the same, and of the number of packages containing the same, and the respective marks thereof, and the place or places where deposited, and of the place to which, and ship or vessel in which