Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/382

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the United States may deem proper for the use of the executive departments, shall be placed in the library of Congress.

Approved, April 16, 1816.

April 27, 1816.

VI. Resolution requiring the Secretary of State to compile and print, once in every two years, a register of all officers and agents, civil, military and naval in the services of the United States.

Register of the officers and agents, civil, military and naval, to be compiled every two years by the Secretary of State.Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That once in two years, a register, containing correct lists of all the officers and agents, civil, military and naval, in the service of the United States, made up to the last day of September of each year in which a new Congress is to assemble, be compiled and printed under the direction of the Secretary for the department of state. And to enable him to form such register, he, for his own department, and the heads of the other departments, respectively, shall, in due time, cause such lists as aforesaid, of all officers and agents, in their respective departments, including clerks, cadets and midshipmen, to be made and lodged in the office of the department of state. And the said lists shall exhibit the amount of compensation, pay, and emoluments allowed to each officer, agent, clerk, cadet and midshipman, the state and county in which he was born and where employed.

List of the ships and vessels of the United States. 2. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Navy subjoin to the list of the persons employed in his department, the names, force and condition of all the ships and vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built.

3. Resolved, That five hundred copies of the said register be printed; and that on the first Monday in January in each year, when a new Congress shall be assembled, there be delivered to the President, the Vice President, each head of a department,Distribution. each member of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, one copy of such register; and to the secretary of the Senate, and clerk of the House of Representatives, each, ten copies, for the use of the respective Houses; that twenty-five copies shall be deposited in the library of the United States at the seat of government, to be used like other books in that library, and that the residue of the said copies be disposed of in such manner as Congress shall from time to time direct.

4. Resolved, That for the information of the present Congress, such register as aforesaid be prepared and distributed as aforesaid, on the first day of its next session.

Approved, April 27, 1816.

April 29, 1816.

VII. Resolution authorizing the President of the United States to employ a skilful assistant in the corps of engineers.

An assistant in the corps of engineers to be employed.Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to employ, in addition to the corps of engineers as now established, a skilful assistant, whose compensation shall be such as the President of the United States shall think proper, not exceeding the allowance to the chief officer of the corps.

Approved, April 29, 1816.