Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/967

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938 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 189. 1895. me °f **9**** *P· That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the use, "°P”°"°"` within the limits of any railroad land grant made by Congress, of any part of any regular appropriation for surveying the public lands: Fl··*id¤ °¤¤l¤•*°**· Provided, That no part of the foregoing money shall be used for any land embraced in any grant to the State of Florida: And provededfur- S¤·¤·¤·¤<>r¤ of ***1- ther, That the provisions of law requiring reimbursements to be nrade ”°°d" °°`"`d° to the United States by railroad corporations claiming such grants, shall apply equally to the successors of such railroad corporations acquiring title to their lands and other property, under decree of foresuisueuaa mr- an- closure of any mortgage authorized by Congress. This paragraph “*°' P'°"*°*°“· shall be in lieu of the provision in the sundry civil appropriation Act

  • ‘”“· *"3°5‘ approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-tour, providing for the survey of such lands, and the Secretary of the Interior

shall report to each regular session of Congress what has been done under the foregoing provisions. Snrvcy of rrirm For sru·vey of private land claims in the States of Colorado, Nevada,

 and Wyoming, and in the Territories of Arizona, New Mexico, and

' 'p`Utah, confirmed under the provisions of the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to establish a court of private land claims, and to provide for the settlement of private land claims, in certain States and Territories," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and for _ the resurvey of such private land claims heretofore confirmed as may be deemed necessary, twenty thousand dollars. N$§§:gg';g€¤“*‘"Y For necessary expenses of survey, appraisal, and sale, of abandoned military reservations transferred to the control of the Secretary of the Y<»1-Zr-r>-1<>3- Interior under the provisions of an Act of Congress approved July fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, and any law prior thereto, including Cm Gmue. pay of a. custodian of the ruin of Casa Grande, nve thousand dollars. w£_:wi¤(£é;=;*; Ag; To pay Edwin H. Van Antwerp and Charles H. Bates, United States nm;Aeputy surveyors, for surveying the west boundary of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, as per contract with the Commissioner of the General Land Office, four hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty-one cents. H,*:.§E,,?§,§Fi““°’ That the governor of the State of Wyoming, subject to the approval of b Sglg¤;:;¤n¤f r·¤*i¤¤ the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby empowered and authorized to y Y g` select and enter of the public lands contained within the boundaries of the abandoned Fort McKinney MilitaryReservation, in J ohuson County, State of Wyorrring, not exceeding in all two sections, on which are situated the buildings heretofore used for military purposes; that the _ lands so selected and entered, with the buildings thereon, are hereby lljrvvivvf t f granted and donated to the State of Wyoming: l’roz·ided, That the ,,,32 “K""` ° entry and selection of lands under the provisions of this Act shall be construed as being in part satisfaction of the grant of lands to the State of \Vyoming for charitable, educational. penal, and reforrnatory V··l-26-r·-224- , institutions under the provisions of section eleven of the Act of Congr·ess of July tenth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and ninety. Fort Mggiunis Res- That the Governor of the State of Montana is hereby empowered and "'}’$,§2,‘§{{;, ,,{"'g,,,,,M authorized to select and enter of the public lands contained within fer ¤¤¤·¤·=·¤' l¤¤¤¤¤- the boundaries of the abandoned Fort Maginnis Military Reservation in Fergus County, State of Montana, which are free fr·om any settlement or other right or claim at the date of selection, not exceeding in all two sections, on which are situated the buildings heretotore used for military purposes; that the lands and water rights so selected and entered, with the buildings thereon, are hereby granted and donated to the State of Montana for the maintenance ofa soldiers’ home. or tor rma¤, other public purposes: Provided, That the entry and selection of lands ,,,5fQY °' g"°"'° "* in the provisions of this Act shall be construed as being in part satis. faction of the grant of lands to the State of Montana for educational, penal, and reformatory institutions, under· the provisions of Section Vol-25-r>.¤¤1. seventeen, of the Act of Congress of February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eightynine, *‘To provide tbr the division of Dakota into two States and to enable the people of North Dakota. South Dakota,