Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/928

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 188. 1895. 899 It is hereby futher provided that said Choctaw and Chickasaw C¤¤•=*•W¤ ¤¤•i Chicknations may, at any time before the rendition of final judgment in said :Siii°i:tffif.iQi£iEI°if°°° case by the Court of Claims, negotiate with the Commissioners appointed under section sixteen of the Act of Congress approved the third day of "°*·"·P·°“· March, eighteen hundred and ninety-three (Twenty-seventh Statutes, page six hundred and forty-tive), or with any successor or successors in said Commission for the settlement of the said matters involved in said S¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*- suit, and move the suspension of such action until such negotiation shall be accepted or rejected by Congress; such settlement, however, to be made with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Inferior and Attorney-General of the United States. That the laws relating to the mineral lands of the United States are M*¤¤¤¤¤w¤· hereby extended over the lands ceded by the foregoing agreement. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed CQQQ $,';mf{,{):g'; to reimburse, out of any unexpended balance of the appropriation of mmmons. three thousand dollars for reimbursing certain settlers on the Grow ,1f“""‘°“‘ f" '°"‘°" Creek and Winnebago Indian reservations in South Dakota whose claims “ were held for further pr0ot,” and so forth, made by the Indian appropriation Act approved August fifteenth, `eighteen hundred and Aw. p-mv. 11inety-four, and out of the further sum of three thousand dollars which . is hereby appropriated for the purpose, those settlers upon said reservations between the dates indicated in said Act whose claims have not heretofore been investigated under the provisions of the Act of Congress Vol. 96, p. 659- approved October iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety, authorizing the ascertainment of the losses of such settlers, for the actual and necessary s losses which he iinds upon investigation they have sustained as a result of sach settlement: Provided, That the claims of such settlers, with Mmm accompanying proofs, shall be filed in the Department of the Iuterior Fm" "' within six months from the date of the approval of this Act: Provided, df,';: *¤ ‘*•*“°*•* That any claimant whose claim has heretofore been wholly disallowed ` by the Interior Department may within six mouths after the passage of . this Act, bring suit upon the same in the Court of Claims, and the time of removal irom the reservation by said claimant shall be no bar to said suit. · The Interior Department shall transfer all the papers filed in any d°'£cQ*°°*°’ °* °"*· ' such claim to the Court of Claims to be used as evidence therein, and ` the rights and equities of such claimant to damages sustained by rea.- _ son of removal from such lands shall be by the Court fully considered H U. and determined: Provided, however, That if the Court shall find that ctiuiiibns. any such claimant arbitrarily disobeyed, or neglected without good reason to obey, the order of removal, his claim shall be disallowed. That the accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized B¤¤¤'¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤¤- and directed to settle and pay the claims of the following-named con- . tractors for beef cows, delivered at the following-named agencies, under contracts with the Indian Bureau during the iiscal year of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, being for suspension or disallowance, made on account of excess of number of cows. limited by the words of the contract, to wit: . To Waller Brothers, one thousand one hundred and thirty-three }'_;,’L’},',_*§’,'jf"°'* dollars and seven ty-three cents for cows delivered at Rosebud and Pine Ridge agencies in June of eighteen hundred and ninety-one. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to use ten §;gg'g°;*g~ $-1***- thousand dollars of any uncxpended balance of the amount appropriated under the Act of August nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, V0!-2°· 1*352- or the Act of July thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, for v°'· ”·*”m· relief of destitute Indians, to relieve the immediate necessities and distress of the Sisseton Indians in South Dakota, as far as the Secretary may ind such expenditure necessary. _ That any State or Territory entitled to indemnity school lands or hE§_,1°§§°§°s§,§§{‘§,P'. entitled to select lands for educational purposes under existing law may ¤1>¤¤¤d· ' select such lands within the boundaries of any Indian reservation in such State or Territory from the surplus lands thereof, purchased by