Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/9

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X LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. dm Page. mma' nd' t. An acttoamendsectionfifteenofa actapproving,witJ1amen ents, A thef ofArizona approved June twentytilith, eighteen hundred and ninety. 224 · A¤8¤¤’¤3·i8°4 —-------------------------------------- T--: ---·---- ; ------- _ ---------·- er-state Fa' , Tacoma Wash. An act to exam t the rt les f foreign exhibitors at the Int intnrstaite fair at 'facoma, Washington, fron? the pazmlgnt e3 duties. August 3, 1894- -- 224 Life~Saving Ser-mee. An act to amend section fiveof the act approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventreight, entitled "An Act to organize the Life·Sa.ving Serv1ce." 225 August 3, 1894 -- - -----------------··----—-- ; ---·---—---—---—--——---·-- B1-edge' , thC MdianRi . An actu th' thePur e11Bnd eaudTra.nsferCompany to and maigzina bridge o1ver th Caxfadiam River at or within one mile » of the town of Lexin , countyef Cleveland, Territory of Oklahoma. August 4, 1894- 225 Louisville, Ky., old cuctomme An act Fu·cv1 for the sale of the old custom-house and lot connected therewith in the city ’ e, Kentucky. August 4, 1894 . 1 . 226 Deaertdand entnba. An act for the reliefot persons who have filed declarations of intention to enter desert hunk. August 4. 1804 .. _ ... _ . , . 226 Fog signal, Kewmmee, Wis. An actestablishiqa fog signal at Kewaunee, Wmconsm. Aug- Bm ust 4. 1894 .--- . -·-·-·.-.--------.·-----------.· - , . _ ...- _ ----...- ' ht-sh` ,B0cton. An mtnuth' the construction ofa light-sb,1p,withfogs1g¤nl,t0 LW begstablished to the eastward =} Boston Light, and for the establishment0fmugolight•inB0¤tc¤Harbor, Aug¤¤t4, 1894., . - . 222 Public laude, irregular eutnes. An act to provide for tlm,@i6•hon of adielavits made betme Umm; sum Commiggioqers in ¤.11 land mmm. Aiiggntzg, 1804. , , .. - . 227 Bridge,Sa£ntLo1dsR€ver. Anaettosmmdmscttomdmrnuthemusbuehmcfasteel , bridge over the Saint Louis River, between we States of Minnesota and Wmcunsm. August 4, 1894 . . .. . .. » -. -----, .-.---- : ·.-----..·------ .- 228 L@fe—SavingSeruiee. An awt extendingthehenctitsof themannehcspntalsto the kccpersand crews of life-saving statnom. Ailzpst 4, 1894 ---·. T -..-.---··--.·-- _ -----.. 229 Ankansas, lands, etc. An act to authorize a. compromise and setatlementwiththe State of Arhussn. 4, IN}, ... - .-.. L .-.-.----·----.. 1 ---.. 229 Bight of way, Indian T07THOG'}]. An act to t to the Arkansas, Elfexas and Mexican Gentra1Bai1way<£0‘;¤¥·:’n‘zazightofwaytggh thelndiau Terntorymndtor otherpur- 229 poses AE . 1 ...- t ... Dist ‘ t Cd, ,square 498. An actto fcralleycondennsnedmsquaenuunbeepd ming huzicdred aulgexilinety-three, in the city ofwrashingmn, District of Columbia. Angut · 6, 1894 .. - ..-·.·----------·- - ~.-.--..-----·---·----·. - .--. ·..--- & Bm-rat . Auacttonmcndaeetiom ·th.ree hundx-edmul sixtyéivoand Eftpthmehun- Gzd ctthe toharratryontbehighanau. August 6, 1804 . - .. , . - . ‘ 233 , A . An t making' a ropnations for the support of the Army f r the A you Juneatthirtieth, hundred and ninety-five, and for othe;) purposes. August 6, 1894 .. - . 233 Bridges, Hhvnaaee, Tennessee, and Clinch rivers. An act to amend BD not approved January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, to authorize the construction of bridges suns the Hiwassee, the Tennessee, and Clinch rivers, in the State of Tennessee. August 7, 1894 . - ... I _. . 1 ... 243 Appmpnatimu, District of Columbia. An act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columb a for the nscal Xen ending June thxrtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for other purposes. ugust 7, 1 94 243 Mm-iu Omypa,§’m·t Royalbgi C. An act for the relief of certain enlisted men of the Marine Co ugnst 7. 1 ... 262 Hot Sgnpnge, Ark., leases. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to grant leum ggé? on the Hot Springs Reservation, Arkansas, for cold-water reservoirs. August; 7, .. r . 263 Condemned cannon. An act disposing of four condemned cannon of the N uvy. An st 7. 1894- 263 Territm·ie.s railroad stations. An act to require railroad companies operutnngruigxulsin the Territories over a right of way granted by the Government to establish stations and· — depots {ng aiigéown sites on the lines of said roads established by the Interior Department. A . --.------·-------».··-----·---- - 263 ` Oklahm1':c?12% ty, land grant. An act granting a certain military reservation to Oklahoma City, Oklahonga Territory, to aid the public free schools thereof, and for other purposes. A t , 1894 ... . ... - ,______,.._____ 264 Apprqzgegzliicns, Department ofAgricuIture. An act making appropriations for the De ment of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtietb, eighteen hundredpglig-1 ninety-five. August 8, 1894 ...,. - .._____,___,,___,_.__ _ ______________ 254 Hot Springs, Ark., lands. An act to authorize sale of lot eight, block ninety-three, city of Hot Sggiiugs, by school directors thereof, and use of proceeds for school purposes. August 9, 1 .~.»...-..»..» - ...·...»... - 2* United States courts. An act to change the lines between the eastern and westcm judicial [4 districts of North Carolina and iixiug time for holding courts in said eastern district. August 9, 1894 ..,.,..,.._,,.._ _ _____________,________ _ ____________ 274 Mzbraska, m¢n§;. An act providing for the resurvey of G1-ant and Hooker counties, in the State of ebraska., August 9, 1894 __,____,_,. -. ..._____.,____,..,_,___ 275 Road, El Paso to Fort Bliss. Tex. An act for the construction of a military road from the city of E1 Paso to Fort Bliss_ Texas, August 9, 1894 .__________,_______,,.,__________,_____ :375 District of Columbia, water mains. An act to regulate water-main assessments in the District or Columbia,. August 11, 1894 ________________________________________________________ 9:5