Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/891

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862 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 187. 1895. For eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, fifty-four dollars. 1¤w¤11=¤¤<¤>¤¤· MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: For payment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized by the Attorney-General, including the employment of janitors and watchmen in rooms or buildings rented for the use of courts and of interpreters, experts, and stenographers; of furnishing and collecting evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, and moving of records, for the iiscal years as iollows: For eighteen hundred and ninety-five, seventy thousand dollars. For eighteen hundred and ninety-one, five dollars. For eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, seven dollars and twenty-five cents. For eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, forty-one dollars and twenty cents. For eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, eighteen dollars and fifty cents. m·¤·¤¤¢ ¤#¤>r¤•>r¤- FEES or msrnrcr ATTORNEYS: For payment of United States F"" district attorneys, the same being in payment of the regular fees provided by law for ofdcial services, for the fiscal years as follows: For eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, one hundred thousand dollars. For eighteen hundred and ninety-four, fifty-four thousand two hundred and eighty-one dollars and ten cents. Regular ¤¤¤1¤f·¤¤¤¤- For payment of regular assistants to United States district attorneys, who are appointed by the Attorney-General, at a iixed annual compensation, twenty-six thousand dollars. specm assistants. For payment of assistants to United States district attorneys employed by the Attorney-General to aid district attorneys in special cases, for the fiscal years as follows: For eighteen hundred and ninety-five thirty thousand dollars. For eighteen hundred and ninety-four, twenty-five thousand six hundred and fifty-two dollars and forty-nine cents. - For eighteen hundred and ninety-three, one thousand two hundred and nine dollars and thirty-six cents. q1.,ks· g,.,,, FEES OF CLEBKS: For fees of clerks, for the fiscal years as follows: For eighteen hundred and ninety-five, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. For eighteen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand dollars. ctmmmasewrm. FEES or COMMISSIONERS: For fees of United States commissioners and justices of the peace acting as United States commissioners, for the fiscal years as follows: . For eighteen hundred and niuety-five, one hundred and eighty-seven thousand two hundred dollars. For eighteen hundred and ninety-four, forty thousand one hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty-five cents. ' For eighteen hundred and ninety-three, three thousand dollars. Rent. RENT OF COURT ROOMS: For rent of United States court rooms, sixty-two thousand dollars. ggble Butler. REFUND ro NOBLE C. BUTLER, CLERK UNITED STATES Connr: "“' ‘ To refund to Noble G. Butler, clerk of United States courts, Indianapolis, Indiana, the sum of forty-nine dollars and thirty cents, costs in the case of The United States versus Nettie Williams, inadvertently turned over to the United States and covered into the Treasury. mg>;*·<>¤¤¤ ¤¤r>¤¤- POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Contingent expenses. CONTINGENT EXPENSES: For fuel and repairs to heating apparatus, being for the tiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety~three, ninety-two dollars and sixteen cents. For purchase and keeping of horses, and repair of wagons and harness, being for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, one hundred and twenty-nine dollars and forty-three cents.