Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/838

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Szmss. III. CHS. 177, 178. 1895. 809 true and correct; and he shall also mail to the said Auditor a true copy of the corrected manifest filed on any post; entry of his vessel. Any master who neglects or refuses to mail to the Auditor the required copy of the original or corrected manifest shall be subject to the same iincs and penalties fixed bylaw for his failure to deliver the manifest of his Jgmm. _ _ vessel to the collector: Provided, Thai; this section shall not apply to `n,1§§fo,§§§Q'§{;Ljt_" ports where there is a naval officcr. · Sec. 10. Section seventeen of “Au Act making appropriations for Qmirying mmthe legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for ”°';‘§§;*‘;ff’é10_ the fiscal year ending June, thirticth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, ` and for other purposes] approved July thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, is amended to read as follows: "Thc transcripts Hum the books and proceedings of the Department swmmym certify of the Treasury and the copies of bonds, contracts and other papers "“““°""'“·°"" provided for in section eight hundred and eighty-six of the Revised ' Statutes shall hereafter be curtiiicd by the Secretary or sm Assistant · Secretary of the €l‘reasm·y under the seal of tho Dapu.mncnt." ’ S20. 11. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this Act arc Renal repealed. Approved, March 2, 1895. - CHAP. 1.B.-A11 Act For tho removal of mow and ice from the sidewalks, cross- March 2. 1895. ` walks, and gutters in the cities of Washington and Georgetown, and for other pur- Q`; poses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America. in Congress assembled, That the owner or tenant of &j;§$:l°f)‘}°‘::*‘;i; each house or other building, or lot or lots of ground in the cities of frumniduwslka. Washington and Georgetown, and in such other part or parts of the District of Columbia as the Commissioners of said District shall from time to time designate, shall, within the first four hours of daylight after every fall of snow, cause the same to be removed entirely from off the paved sidewalks opposite such house, building, lot, or land, under the penalty of one dollar for each lot for every such neglect, to mum. bc paid by the said owner or tenant; and such owner or tenants shall, 1zm¤m1¤rdm.•¤¤. under s like pchalty, within five days after notice so to do by the Commissioners, clean off and remove, 01- caused to be cleaned off and removed, all dirt, sand, gravel, or other refuse matter that may fall or be washed upon any paved sidewalk or alley inside of the cities of Washington and Georgetown. S20. 2. That in case the sidewalks me covered with ico the owner W¢°Qd°;h;':;lg:* or tenant of any buildixig, lot, or lots of ground in tha cities of Wash· - ington and Georgetown shall promptly cause the paved sidewalks or pzwcd portions of the sidewalks opposite his, ber, or their premises to bc strcwcd with ashes, sand, sawdust, or some other suitable substance that will insure or contribute to the safety of pedestrians, under the penalty of one dollar for each lot for every neglect, to be paid by the said owner or tenant. Sec. 3. That in case the owner or tenant of an house lot building B¤*¤¤*’¤* by C°¤· or land shall neglect to comply with any of the p{·ovisi0;ns 0} the pro; Eu? °° Mm ceding sections of this Act it shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to cause the removal of snow and icc, or any dirt, sand, or gravel from all paved sidewalks and alleys in the cities of Washington and Georgetown wherever there has been a failure on the part of the owner or tenant as aforesaid to remove the samba; and the cost of such removal, by order and under the direction of the coumm orma. said Commissioners, shall be assessed as a. tax against the property to which the sidewalks in question belong, for the purposes of this Act, and the said tax so assessed shall be carried to the regular tax roll of the cities aforesaid and shall be collected in the manner provided for the collection of other taxes.