Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/788

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 176. 1895. 759 authority of the District of Columbia, under the provisions of the Act V0l-19.P-347- approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, two thousand dollars. Comrinyrion or Drsrmcr Laws: To pay William Stone Abert for Qompilmon of Disservices in preparing annotations, judicial citations, and appendix to miggguvgit to w. s. the compiled statutes in force in the District of Columbia, such sum, M><·=¤· · not exceeding four thousand dollars, as the supreme court of the District of Columbia shall deem reasonable, which sum shall be paid wholly ' out of the revenues of the District of Columbia upon the order of the said court, and said amount shall be added to the cost of the compilation and the price for which the same shall be sold: Provided, That the grvljw-M sum hereby appropriated shall be in full of all services rendered by the ° "' l' said Abert for the services herein described, namely, in preparing said annotations, judicial citations, and appendix. And the District of Columbia shall be reimbursed by the United States in the said amount R¤¤¤l>¤r¤<>¤¤¤¤¢- of six thousand dollars from the proceeds of sale of said compilation after the amount arising therefrom shall equal the cost of its publication at the Government Printing Oifiee. The Public Printer is hereby directed to deliver to the Secretary of the Interior the five thousand Delivery to sem. copies of the compilation of the statutes in iorce in the District of §Q{gf °' °”°“°’ '°' Columbia recently completed by William Stone Abert, and under authority of the Act of Congress appmved March second, eighteen hundred v°’·2"· ¥’·“"· and eighty-nine. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell, at the price of three dollars and seventy-five cents per volume, to any n wishing to purchase the same, copies of said compilation which are not required for odicial use: Provided, That not exceeding Limicwpmnam. fifty copies be sold to any one person applying for the same; and the, proceeds of all sales shall be paid into the Treasury. There shall be distributed by the Secretary of the Interior for official use copies of said _Di¤¤‘ib¤¢i<>¤ foremcompilation to the following justices, judges, and officers, to wit: To the °”‘l“‘”’ President of the United States, four copies, one of which shall be for the library of the Executive Mansion and one copy shall be for the use of the commissioner of public buildings; to the Vice-President of the United. States, one copy; to each of the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, one copy; to each of the justices of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia, one copy; to each of the justices of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, one copy; the chief judge and judges of the Court of Claims, one copy to each; to each of the judges of the police court of the District of Columbia, one copy; to each court room in each of the said courts and to the clerks of each of said courts, one copy; to each of the justices of the peace of the District of Columbia, one copy; to the librarian of the Senate for use of Senators, Eve copies; to the librarian of the House for use of Representatives and Delegates, five copies; to the Library of Congress, five copies, including four copies for the law library; to the Department of State, including those for use of legations, tlfty copies; to the Treasury Department, ten copies; to the War Department, ten copies; to the Navy Department, ten copies; to the Department of the Interior, ten copies; to the Post- Otiice Department, ten copies; to the Department of Justice, ten copies; to the Department of Agriculture, five copies; to the Smithsonian Institution, three copies; to the Government Printing Office, Eve copies; to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, ten copies; to the coroner and deputy coroner, one copy to each; to the surveyor of the District, one copy; to the attorney for the United States for the District of Columbia, live copies; to the attorney for the District of Columbia, live copies; to the register of wills and the recorder of deeds, two copies to each; ten copies each to the committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives for the District of Columbia; two copies each to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives: Provided, That all of the copies issued as aforesaid P P“l’H° shall remain the property of the United States and be delivered to the ` successors in office of each and every of the justices, judges, and officers aforesaid. .