Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/760

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. SESS; III. Ch. 169. 1895. 73] Investigating the adulteration of food, drugs, and liquors; exam- 1, Fwd- ad•i;‘¤g¤»,¤¤<i ining and analyzing samples submitted by consumers, or procured by I°°°" °t°"m°°°` 'order of- the Secretary of Agriculture from sources deemed by him advisable; employing such assistants, clerks, and other persons as the Secretary of Agriculture may consider necessary for the purposes named; preparing, illustrating, and publishing reports exhibiting the results of such investigations; express charges, and necessarytravel- _ ing expenses: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby {SONS0- required to make a separate report to Congress as to where, when, and P""' from whom the samples of food, drugs, and liquors were obtained, when and where analyzed, and the results of such analysis, together with the names of the manufacturers thereof and the brands or labels found upon the packages or articles, in order that attention may thereby be called to any adulterations that may be imposed upon the public, and to the names of the manufacturers thereof, five thousand dollars; To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to continue an investigation S¤i1 characteristicsrelative to the various typical soils of the United States to determine their chemical characteristics, and especially the nature of the nitrity- . ing organisms contained therein; apparatus and materials required in conducting such investigations; employment of the necessary investigators; freight and express charges, and necessary traveling expenses, tive thousand dollars; In all, fourteen thousand nine hundred dollars. REPORT ON FOBESTRY, DIvIs1oN OF FoREsTRY: To enable the Divi¤i<>¤¤fF¤r¤¤¤y- Secretary of Agriculture to experiment and continue an investigation and .report on the subject of forestry and timbers, for traveling and other necessary expenses in the investigation, and for the collection . and distribution of valuable economic forest-tree seeds and plants, · twenty-five thousand dollars. Ii.I.usTRAT1oNs AND ENGRAVINGS: For the pay of artists, drafts- ¤¤¤¤¢¤*i<>¤¤ men, and engravers, the purchase of tools,` instruments, paper, ink, pencils, paints, and other necessary materials; for printing proofs, necessary traveling expenses, labor, and for drawings, engravings, lithographs, other illustrations, and electrotypes, fifteen thousand dollars. MATERIALS, DOCUMENT AND FOLDING Room: Paper, gum, twine, D°°“’“°” R°°’”- and other necessary materials, two thousand dollars. _ EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS, DEPARTMENT or AGRI- dQ$§P_f,f,"gff,‘,f*,j{,,€‘“ curxrunn: Division or GARDENS AND GROUNDS: Cultivation and care Law. of experimental gardens and grounds, including the keep of the lawns, trees, roadways, and walks; management and maintenance of the conservatories, and seed testing, and plant and fruit propagating houses; employment of foremen, gardeners, laborers, carpenters, painters, plumbers, and other mechanics; machinery, tools, wagons, carts, horses, q-.,0;,,.,;.,, ` harness, plows, lawn mowers, sprinklers, hose, watering cans, tubs, pots, and other implements required in cultivation; lumber, hardware, glass, paints, tin, stone, gravel, and other material required for repairs; fertilizers, insecticide apparatus, and chemicals; blacksmithing, horseshoeing, and repairs to implements and machinery; seeds, plants, and bulbs for propagating purposes; labels, potting, and packing materials, feed for horses, freight and express charges, twenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ SALARIES AND EXPENSES, BUREAU or ANIMAL INDUSTRY: For B;}j;j*°‘ I”‘*““’Y· carrying out the provisions of the Act of May twenty-ninth, eighteen ssisriessm. ‘ hundred and eighty-four, establishing the Bureau of Animal Industry, V°"B’ "31‘ and of the Act of August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, pro- V°l·”·P·“‘· vidin g for an inspection of meats and animals, also the provisions of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, providing for _ the inspection of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses and products thereof m§fQ§°,§F‘"g °“°"°· which are the subjects of interstate and foreign commerce, and forother _ _ purposes, the sum of eight hundred thousand dollars; and the Sccrotary mP0z;jf_9u’;§,‘Qf“°“°° of Agriculture is hereby authorized to use any part of this snm_he may deem necessary or expedient, and in such manner as he may think