Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/715

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686 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 131, 132. 1895. O¤lqz¤f¤{=,¢·£·{)¤<2¤- Sec. 7. That no patent or other evidence of title shall be issued or §'{f§‘,f'{‘., g}Y,,{°y,.,.-.,°;}2I delivered to said Northern Pacific Railroad Company for any land in cm R¤¤*°¤d· said land districts until such land shall have been examined and classiiied as nonmineral, as provided for in this Act, and such patent or other evidence of title shall only issue then to such land, 1f_any, in saidland districts as said company may be, by law and comphance therewith and by the said classification, entitled to, and any patent, certificate, or record of selection, or other evidence of title or right to posses-_ sion of any land in said land districts, issued 1 entered, or delivered to said Northern Pacific Railroad Company in vio ation of the provisions o Prvyiqg- _ ht this Act shall be void: Provided, That nothing contained in this Act ,.4:?{,§i$l.°iv1Qi€ °’ shall be taken or construed a recognizing or confirming any grant of land or the right to any land in the said Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or as waiving or in any wise aifecting any right on the part of the United States against the said Northern Pacific Railroad Company toclaima forfeiture of any land grant heretofore made to said company. Appmpmam for Sec. 8. That there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the “P°"“°‘· Treasiuy not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty thousand dol- 0 · . u upon }2‘§:.§’é.Z‘£ };'i‘.‘.§°{I.'.1%§.".§’.T.“"f“€ii“?I. 'X’.?°€E2S3§Z;J2.}’E.°¥.5?.¥‘3°‘€ “’ °"£`f3§ ordler olf the Secreltary of lthe Interior,;- and the Secretary of the Intelrior mamma is ere y require to em race in the annua estimates submitte to Congress for appropriations for the Interior Department a sufficient sum to pay the said commissioner for the fiscal year next ensuing, and tgnéullallybtgheriezaiiter until fhg dlassitication of lands required by this c as en u y accomp is ec . ` Approved, February 26, 1895. February 26, 1896. CHAP. 132.-An Act For the promotion of anatomical science, and to prevent the www desecration ofgraves in the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mQ*°"‘°° °* C°l"¤‘· States of America. in Congress assembled. That any public officer or oiii- Delivery of ami cers, whether directors, trustees, superintendents, wardens, keepers, or Bf$ii°iir°.i1iii$¤ii't:iiZ glluuagers, having lawful charge of or control over any hospital, prison, ¤¤z¤¤- _1a_il,lpr morgge, within the District of Columbia, may, with the approval 0 the ea t officer of said District deliver to the duly authorize agent of any medical college or colleges in the District of Columbia, the bodies of such deceased persons as are required to be buried at the public expense, said bodies to be distributed among the several colleges P~qi{¤· in proportion to the number of students in each: Provided, houerer, B°d““ °x°°°t°d' That if the deceased person, during his last illness, requested to be buried, or if within forty-eight hours, after his death any person claiming to be, and saiiisfyigg ith?] heplth oiliper tlpat he is, a relative by blood or marriage or rien o the ecease as s to have the body bnu·ied. or if] suqladhceaaed person was a stranger or traveler who suddenly died, t e y sha not be so delivered but shall be buried. xmemmnuvss. _ Sec. 2f That before the bodies of such deceased persons as are men- °°°· tioned in the iirst section shall be delivered to the authorized agents gf azy medical college in the District of Columbia notice shall be given y the person or persons having lawful charge of said bodies to the relative or friend of the deceased, if known; if not known, the death runnmm. of the deceased shall be published at least once in a daily newspaper published in the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, in which pdlglicatlrelni ithpctgng :1::1; of tp: deceased perse? shadg possible, bg · a s e no nown a escrip ion o e person an apparel of the deceased, with information of the place where they may be seen, the expenses of such publication to be paid as other expenses