Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/693

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664 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. CHS. 87, 88, 92. 1895. GHAP. 8 .— c a an Act enti led "An Act to rovide for the settle-

 ment of dlvoutgadmhgoclgiizdagmst thetDistriot of Coliilmbia, and conferring
  • jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear the same, and for other purposes,

approved June sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives of the United msmaoscsiumbaa. States of America in Congress assembled, That in the adjudication of mmm be snowed claims brought under the provision of the Act entitled “An Act to

  • '*°“‘*"‘“· provide for the settlement of all outstanding claims against the District of Columbia, and conferring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims

v¤1.21,p.2s4. to hear the same, and for other purposes," approved the sixteenth of June, eighteen hundred and eighty (Twenty-first Statutes at Large, page two hundred and eighty-four), the Court of Claims shall allow the rates established and paid by the board of public works; and whenever said rates have not been allowed the claimant or his personal representative shall be entitled, on motion made within sixty days after the NM ¤·i=¤· passage of this Act, to a new trial of such cause. Approved, February 13, 1895. ' CHAP. 88.-An Act To provide for the erection of a Government building at F·*·=···¤* it 1***- camp, num., ` Be it enacted by the SenateandHonse of Representatives of the United cm 0 m States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ruiiiig building an- Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be erected upon

      • °"*'*°‘*°'* °*‘ "‘°· the present postoffice site in the city of Chicago and State of Illinois,

- rm,p.ou. which site is bounded by Adams, Jackson, Clark, and Dearborn streets, a commodious and sufficiently ilreproof building for the use of the postodioe, United States courts, United States subtreasury, United States collectors, and other necessary officers of the Government; the building to be so erected as to occupy all the available area of the present site to the street lines on all sides, and the Secretary of the Treasury is correction, pm. r. authorized to contract with the lowest and best bidder, after reason- '°‘· able notice by advertisement in two or more newspapers published in m*°,j“,}‘;,,g*,jé_ °* P’°* the city of Chicago, for the sale of the present building as hereinbefore described and the removal of the same irom the site where it is now located, and the Secretary of the Treasury is further authorized and directed to have prepared by the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department full and complete plans, specifications, and detailed drawings of the building to be erected, the said planstobc approved by the Stecigstapytpf the Treasury, the Postmaster-General, and the Secretary 0 the u rior. ccmnm my mq- Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby further author- “°‘“°“°" ‘““'°’“°°' ized in the specifications for the erection of said building to enter into contract for the construction of any portion thereof, and the several contracts for the different portions of said building shall be awarded, after public advertisement according to law for not less than one month, to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders. Said contracts shall be . made at such times that the actual work of construction shall progress · continuously and no delay be caused in the erection of the building: im, cm Provided, That the entire cost of said building when completed shall ' not exceed the sum of four million dollars. Approved, February 13, 1895. February 15, 1805. CHAP. 92.-—An Act To amend and extend the provisions of an Act entitled "An ‘*~——··- Act to provide for the opening of certain abandoned military reservations, and for other purposes," approved August twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United Mil a- . , am...n°°` r°°°" States of America on Congress assembled, That the provisions of the d§,‘jf“°"‘ °‘ “""" Act approved August twenty-thir<l, eighteen hundred and ninety-ibur,