Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/670

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 46, 50, 54. 1895. 64] maintain thereon, from sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals ¤s¤*¤·¤*»¤- as the Light-House Board may prescribe. Sec. 4. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction c0f,°';;'{§j,Q1°°¤°¤*¤¤d of the bridges herein authorized be not commenced within one year P ` and completed within three years of the date hereof. Sec. 5. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby A"‘°”“’“°“‘·°*°· expressly reserved. Approved, January 25, 1895. ‘ CHAP. 50.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to correct errors January 26, 1895. where double allotments of land have erroneously been made to an Indian, to correct "—·—*·— errors in patents, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where it shall *’"*’“° }¤d¤· appear that a double allotment of land has heretofore been, or shall ,,,,%',f§{§,§§,*{§‘j§,"_}‘§,f,f§ hereafter be, wrongfully or erroneously made by the Secretary of the ¢¤\•¤<¤>rr¤¤¢•=¤- Interior to any Indian by an assumed name or otherwise, or where a mistake has been or shall be made in the description of the land inserted in any patent, said Secretary is hereby authorized and directed, during the time that the United States may hold the title to the land in trust for any such Indian and for which a conditional patent may have been issued, to rectify and correct such mistake and can cel any patent which may have been erroneously and wrongfully issued, whenever in his opinion the same ought to be canceled for error in the issue thereof, or for the best interests of the Indian, and, if possession of the original patent can not be obtained, such cancellation shall be effective if made ·upon the records of the General Land Office ; and no proclamation shall be necessary to open the lands so allotted to settlement. Approved, January 26, 1895. CHAI'. 54.-An Act To authorize the Laporte, Houston and Northern Railroad February 1, 1895. Company to construct and maintain a bridge across Galveston Bay, Butfalo Bayou, ———-——-·———- and Clear Creek, in the State of Texas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Laporte, Houston and {·‘¤p§rt¤.H¤¤¤to¤ Northern Railroad Company, incorporated by the State of Texas and §‘§‘,.d C§ff§§}',';, now existing under the laws of said State, is hereby authorized to con- gggg_;¤,f·¤H~·,y»¤ Bm struct, operate, and maintain, a bridge across Galveston Bay at or near cam cmu? 1*3;.. Virginia Point, and across Clear Creek at n. point between the bridge of the Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad and the mouth of the said creek at Clear Lake, and across Builalo Bayou at any point from Clinton to the city of Houston, subject to the laws of the State of Texas, and upon the following terms, limitations, and conditions: First. That the precise location of said bridges shall be subject to L¤¤•¢i¤¤- the approval of the Secretary of Wzir. Second. Said company may locate, construct, and maintain over such K¤*l'•F*>¤'i**¤•· bridges and approaches thereto railroad tracks for the use of railroads: · Provided, That any railroad on either side of said bridges shall be per- grgvgwmm mn mitted to connect its tracks with the said bridge approaches, and shall ° Y r have equal rights of transit for its rolling stock, cars, passengers, and treight upon equal and equitable terms, and if a dispute as to the equality or equity of the terms shall arise it shall be submitted to and decided by the Secretary of War. Third. That any bridge built under the authority of this Act shall be Span. ewconstructed with such span and at such elevation as the Secretary of ‘War shall approve and require. STAT-VOL XXVIII--41