Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/664

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FIBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Gus. 34, 36, 37. 1895. 635 Michi n at the time of such llre u n claims under the laws of the ¤¤¤¤•¤•¤ ·•¢¤¤¤ United! States, on lands of the Unitedlgtates, whose property and build- ?J.'.;'it‘.1".2...?"*”i.,"l'..":i ings were destroyed by such fires, and the heirs of all such persons who m°'*’g*·,,g:{°*· **° mshed by such llres, and all persons who by reason of such fires and nm ‘ wm of property were obliged to leave their homesteads, are hereby granted two years’ additionalztime in which to make iinal prooil ·And . temporardy absence for any period within two years from the date of this Act sh be deemed constructive possession and residence, but shall no; he {fom the tim]? requiredto make! Hnal prooti nc. ‘ . a a personsw cse pro rt was estro ed b suchni-es, 1’·•¤¤*•·•¤¤·1¤<·1> and the heirs of all persons who wei-); ahtual occupgnts oi the home- "°"°"°°‘°°°` steads at the time of the llre, and who lost their lives in and by that ilre, may, by proving such actual occupancy at the date of such tires, make proof showing compliance with the law up to the date of the nre, and shall make payment at the minimum price under existing statutes, in the same manner as if such claimants were alive, and upon receipt of such proof of loss of property by such iires, or death of the claimant, heirs surviving, and upon payment as aforesaid, a patent shall be nssuedtosuchelaimaut, orhisor herheirs.: - Sue. 3. That the claimant upon any homestead, who by reason of not 1’•¤¤¤•¤¤· w wt having lived thereon the necessary length of time to enable him to I"` commute under section twenty-three hundred and one of the Revised¤.¤¤i.p.¤1. Statutes as amended by the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and vu.¤•.r-1•¤¤- ninety-one, his heirs, executor, administrator, or guardian of his minor heirs, may, when the quantity of timber destroyed upon his or her 'homestead shall not exceed seventy-tive thousand feet of merchantable green timber, ille an estimate in the land oltlce where such homestead 11:-ssntnred with s_::,h rezotnaable proofs ap tilmbiomimissioner of Public s may prescrr as e quantity o _ estroyed upon any sectional subdivision, and thereupon the register and receiver may, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Lands, issue a license ' or permit to cut the burned timber on any homestead or sectional traction thereot, upon payment of the sum of one dollar and twenty-five 1’•rm¤¤t cents per acre for such sectional subdivision, and the Government shall issue a patent for the same to the claimant or his or her heirs. Approved, January 19, 1895. CHAP. 36.-An Ast To make disposition of the accretions ulpon the fund received J•¤¤•f! *1- 1895- by the Government of the United States upon the accounto the payment of the _`_'t' Caracas awards of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and to Nalpply said accretions to the payment of the new awards made in eighteen hund and eighty-nine and eighteen hundred and ninety under the Washington Commission. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress acsembbd, That the Secretary of State be, X¤¤·¤a•1¤¤g1;¤¤•- and he hereby is, authorized and directed to apply all the accretions of r¤¤i°T1a:'i'°»":L°: the said fund to the payment of the said new awards, and to credit the ••g,·,j{*,, P ,,,8 Venezuelan Government on account of the said new awards with the 1·»i,pZ16s¤.' said accretions as well as with the principal of the said funds. Approved, January 21, 1895. CHAP. 31.-An Act To permit the use of the riglht of way through the public ¥¤¤¤7¤. 185. lands for trsmroads, canals, and reservoirs, and for other purposes. ‘ ‘**"";' Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ggbg wd:. M Interior be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered, under general wha, m.i{,...i regulations to be llxed by him, to permit the use of the right of way ‘°°°"°*”· through the public lands of the United States, not within the limits of