Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/654

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FIFTYTHIBD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ons. 24, 25. 1895. 625 the certillcate, if preserved, shall be delivered up within eight days alter the arrival of the master or person having the charge or command of such vessel within any district of the United States, to the collector of such district; and if any foreigner, or any person for the use and benefit of such foreigner, shall purchase or otherwise become entitled ‘ to the whole, or any part or share of,_or interest in such 'vessel, the same being within a district of the United States, the certificate shall, within seven days alter such purchase, change, or' transfer of property, he delivered up to the collector of the district; and if any such purchase, change, or transfer of property shall. happen when such vessel shall be at any foreign port or place, or at sea, then the master or person having the charge or command thereof shall, within eight days aher his arrival within any district of the United States, deliver up the _ certificate to the collector of such district. Any master or owner vic- Pmdv fw rm iblating the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of not B""' °'°°°'°" exceeding five hundred dollars, and the certificate of registry shall be thenceforth void. The Secretary of the Treasury shall have thepower to remit or mitigate such penalty if in his opinion it was incurred without willful negligence or intention of fraud." _ Smce 3. That sectionfortythree hundred and twenty,Bevised Statutes, ’°" is hereby amended so as to read: R-S-.••¤-¤¤¤.r-us. •· Sec. 4320. No licensed vessel shall be employed in any trade "”‘#,,,°‘,;,, ,,,,,,,_ whereby the revenue laws of the United States shall be defrauded. ·•¤·•f-¤••¤=· The master of every such vessel shall swear that he is a citinen of the United States, and that such license shall not be used for any other vessel or any other employment than that for which it was specially granted, or in any trade or business whereby the revenue of the United tates may be defrauded; and if such vessels be less than twenty tons burden, the husband or managing owner shall swear that she is wholly the property of citizens of the United States; whereupon it shall be the duty of the collector of the district comprehcnding the port whereto such vessel may belong to grant a license." Sec. 4. 'l‘hat·no bond shall be required on the licensing of yachts; {•_j],*_*¤M Mum, no licensed yacht shall engage in any trade, nor in any way violate the ' revenue laws of the United States; and every such yacht shall comply with the laws in all respects. Section one of the Act approved March }Y_°§f};,{f m,l,_,,,_ third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, amending section forty-two mud hundred and fourteen, Revised Statutes, and so forth, is amended accordingly. _ _ - P A 81:0. 5. hat any master or owner violating the provisions of this or '“ "· the preceding section shall be liable to the penalty of two hundred dollars, in addition to any other penalty imposed by law. The Secretary of the Treasury shall have power to remit or mitigate any such Munn. penalty if in his opinion it was incurred without negligence or intention of fraud. Sec. 6. That this Act shall not invalidate the bonds heretofore given M4- i¤ f¤r¤¤ under the requirements of law. Approved, January1G, 1895. cH4P. 25.-An Act To provide registers for the steamer: Clarihel and Athes. “"°'*'¥ "· 1* Bc it enacted By th; Senate and House o Representatives of the Uniud _, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Navi· ..,;§f:S“"‘ "" gation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreign—bui1t mgm ngirkn steamer! Claribel and Athos, purchased and owned by a corporation ""' created under the laws of New Jersey, and repaired in American ports, to be registered as vessels of the United States. " Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and I'*•P°°‘*°“· directed to cause the inspection of said vessels, steam boilers, steam STAT-VOL xxvru--40