Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/651

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622 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 23. 1895. two classes for each House, andeach volume shall receive the title suggested by its subject matter clearly placed upon its back. Bi11•¤¤¤ir¤¤¤1¤¤<>¤¤, Sec. 82. The Public Printer shall bind tour sets of Senate and House b°"° '°°" of Representatives bills, joint and concurrent resolutions of each Congress, two for the Senate and two for the House, to be furnished l11m from the files of the Senate and House document room,'the volumes when bound to be kept there for reference. ¤¤¤=¤¤i¢f~¤ r¤1>•¤¤¤· · Sec. 83. The Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House shall procure and tile for the use of their respective Houses copies of all reports made by committees, and they are hereby directed at the close of each session of Congress to cause such reports to be indexed and bound, one copy to be deposited in the library of each House and one copy in the room of the committee from which the reports emanate. Bi¤di¤zb¤¤¤¤.¤¢¤· Sec. 84. Registered bonds and written records may be bound at the R.S.,nec.3787,p.'I44. Tmasmy Department. . F=:_¤¤¤¢ •*¤¤¤· Sec. 85. The Vice-President, Senators, Representatives, and Delemm gates in Congress, the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Representatives may send and receive through the mail all public documents printed by order of Congress; and the name of the Vice- President, Senator, Representative, Delegate, Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House shall be written thereon, with the proper designation of the office he holds; and the provisions of this section shall apply to each of the persons named therein until the first day of December following the expiration of their respective terms of office. “f¤g_¤¤r¤¤d¤¤¤¤» The Vice-President, members and members-elect of and Delegates " ‘ and Delegates-elect to Congress shall have the privilege of sending tree through the mails, and under their frank, any mail matter to any Government official or to any person, correspondence, not exceeding one ounce in weight, upon onicial or departmental business. www; must M an- Sec. 86. No printing or binding shall be done at the Government §"§__,;,,_m5,,_q“_ Printing Office unless authorized by law. Binding for the Depart- ·¤g;g]f,gg· ments of the Government shall be done in plain sheep or cloth, except g' that record and account books may be bound in Russia leather, sheep _ ileshers, and skivers, when authorized by the head of a Department: {_’{g;;;’é_ m Provided, The libraries of the several Departments, the Library of ' Congress, the libraries of the Surgeon-General’s Office, the Patent Ollice, and the Naval Observatory may have books for the exclusive use of said libraries bound in half Turkey, or material no more expensive. ,,g‘f_g}*g*,*;,},*g°·f'°¤° ** Sec. 87. All printing,`binding, and blank hooks for the Senate or R.S..•ec.378§,p.'M4, House of Representatives and for the Executive and Judicial Depart- "'“°“"°‘· ments shall be done at the Government Printing Office, except in 08808 _ _ otherwise provided by law. ,hf’;§;:?gé¤;f‘°·· ‘°" Sec. 88. The Public Printer shall execute such printing and binding for_the President as he shall order and make requisitions for, and deliver to the Executive Mansion two copies each of aH documents, _ bills, and resolutions as soon as printed and ready for distribution. ,0Q§g;‘;l;;*,f,f‘;?Q{c_“°‘ _ Sec. 89. No printing shall be done for the Executive Departments in any fiscal year in excess of the amount of the appropriation, and none shall be done without a special requisition, signed by the chief of the Department and filed with the Public Printer. Number limiwi- N 0 report, publication, or document shall be printed in excess of the number of one thousand of each in any one fiscal year without authori- Departmentrepvrtn- zation therefor by Congress, except that of the annual report of the head of the Department without appendices there may be printed in any one fiscal year not to exceed five thousand copies, bound in pam· Bmau reports. phlet form; and of the reports of chiefs of bureaus without appendices _ there may be printed in anyone tiscal year not to exceed two thousand c'm'°p“'°’m;°m_ m five hundred.cop1es, bound m pamphlet form: Provided, The Secretary of Agriculture may print such number of copies of the monthly crop report, and of other reports and bulletins containing not to exceed one hundred octave pages, as he shall deem requisite; and this provision shall apply to the maps, charts, bulletins, and minor reports of the