Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/618

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. U. RES. 40, 42. 1894. 589 Sec. 7 . That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to Bvmi ¤f¤1>1¤¤i¤¤r¤- appoint a board of three appraisers to dctcruhue and Hx the price at which the said public land, or any part; thereof, sha.11 be sold, and to determine the value of the parcels of private property to be purchased. Sec. 8. That within sixty days from their appointment the said *‘·PP”*°"’“°¤*· appraisers, or a. majority thereof, shall report in writing to the Sccrctary of the Navy, first, the estimated value agreed upon by them of the two plats of land hcreinbctbrc described for sale and conveyance; sccond, they shall cause a careful map to be made of the said Observatory circle, showing the location, quantity, and character of each parcel of hcraiubeforc described property to be taken to complete the said circle, with the names of the respective owners inscribed thereon ; and the €<>¤<Y·=v¤¤¤¤»··- said map shall be filed and recorded in the public records of the District of Columbia, and irom and after that date the scvcml tracts and parcels of land, not hcmiubcfore public property and embraced in said Observatory circle, shall be held as condemned for public uses, subject to payment of just compensation, to be determined by said appraisers and approved by the Secretary of the Navy: Provided. That such com- f°”“°· _ , » coeptnuco by own reugaucn be accepted by the owner or owners of the several parcels of m. an . Sm:. 9. That if the Secretary of the Navy shall be unable to purchase m;}u1j}_’§f;1Q,*{"}) QQ Q; any portion of the land so condemned within thirty days after such assessment }>f v:huo, condemnation, by agreement with the respective owners, at the price °*°‘ determined by the said appraisers, and approved as be fore mentioned, the said appraisers shall, at the expiration of such period of thirty days, make application to the supreme court of the District of Columbin., by petition, at a general or special term, for an assessment of value of such land, and such petition shall contain a. particular description of the property condemned, with the name of the owner 01- owners thereof, and his, her, or their residence, as far as the same may be ascertained, together with a copy of the recorded map of the said Observatory circle, and the said court is hereby authorized and required, upon such application, without delay, to notify the owners and occupants of the land, and to ascertain and assess the value of the land so condemned, by appointing three commissioners to appraise the value or values thereof, and to return the appraisemc-mt to the court; and when the P°Y’¤°¤*· values of the land arc thus ascertained and the Secretary of the Navy shall deem the same reasonable, said values shall be paid to the owner or owners, and the United States shall be deemed to have a valid title to said lands. Sec. 10. That the said appraisers are hereby authorized to call upon S""°”· the Superintendent of the Coast and Gcodctic Survey to make such surveys as may be necessary to carry into oiibct the provisions of this Act, and the said Superintendent is authorized and required to make such surveys under tho direction of the said commissioners. P d f I Sec. 11. That the Secrctmhy of the Navy, after deducting the "’° ” " °' expenses of appraisal cmd con cmuation, shall pay into the Treasury of the United States the act amount received from the sale of any por~ tion of the United States Naval Observatory site, the same to remain there, sulgicct to the draft of the Secretary of the Navy, for purchasing the additional lands within the herainbeforo described circle and for improvements to the said Naval Observatory grounds. ‘ Approved, August 1, 1894. [N0. 42.] Joint Resolution Authorizing proper odiccrs of the Treasury Depart- ment to examine and certify claims in favor of certain counties in Arizona. Resolved by the Senate and House of Reprcamtatiwea of the United States eg America in Congress aescn•blcd, That the First Auditor and the First §{§‘,°},‘“;,,pc,,,,, i,, omptrollcr of the Treasury bo, and they are hereby, authorized to cxum- cumd by ·=¤•¤¤¤i·•- ine all claims which may be presented in proper form by the diiforcut