Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/541

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512 FIFTY-THIRD CON GBESS. Sess. II. C11. 349. 1894. cn§:DuT'51d`mu S0DA"T

 64. Bicarbonate of soda or supercarbonate of soda or saleratus, one·

S°‘¤- half cent per pound. ' 65. Hydrate of, or caustic soda, one·ha1f of one cent per pound. 66. Bichromate and chromate oi, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 67. Sal soda, or soda crystals, one-eighth of one cent per pound; soda ash, one-fourth of one cent per pound. 68. Silicate of soda, or other alkaline silicate, three-eighths of one cent per pound. 69. Sponges, sea moss or Iceland moss, ten per centum ad valorem. 70. Strychnia, or strychnine, and all salts thereof, thirty cents per` ounce. 7L Sulphur, refined, sublimed, or ilowers of,.twenty per centum ad valorem. · 72. Smnac, ground, ten per centum ad valorem. 73. Tartar, cream ot, and patent tartar, twenty per centum ad valorem. 74. Tartars and lees crystals, partly refined, twenty per centum ad . valorem. 75. Tartrate of soda and potassa, or Rochelle salts, two cents per pound. - . Scrum7x1B. — Burg;. earthy; SCHEDULE B.—EARTHS, EABTHENWABE, AND GLAssWA1zE. msn ua ms. Bmcx AND TILE: · 76. Brick, not glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated in any manner, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; glazed, enameled, ornamented, or decorated, thirty per centum ad valorem. 77. Magnesic iire-brick, one dollar per ton. 78. Tiles, plain, not glazed, ornamented, painted, enameled, vitriiied, or decorated, twenty-tive per centum ad valorem; ornamented, glazed, painted, enameled, vitriilcd, or decorated, and encaus tic, forty per centum ad valorem. ·C¤m¤¤t cw CE@NT, LIME, AND PLASTEB.: 79. Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic cement, in barrels, sacks, or other packages, eight cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of barrel or package; in bulk, seven cents per one hundred pounds; other cement, ten per centum ad valorem. 80. Lime, dye cents per one hundred pounds, including weight of arre or package. 81. Plaster of Paris, or gypsum, ground, one dollar per ton; calcined, one dollar and twenty-five cents per ton. _ CLAYS on DABTHS: 82. Clays or earths, unwrought or unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this Act, one dollar per ton ; wrought or manufactured, not specially provided for in this Act, two dol- ` lars per ton; china clay or kaolin, two dollars per ton. _°h§j·;°¤•¤*¤¤¤ Md EARTHENWARE AND CHINA: - ' 83. Common yellow and brown earthenware, plain or embossed, - common stoneware, and crucibles, not decorated in any manner, twenty per centum ad valorem. 84. China, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen, stone and crockery ware, · including placques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, and statuettes, white, not changed in condition by superadded ornamentation or decoration, thirty per centum ad valorem. 85. China, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen, stone, and crockery ware, including plaques, ornaments, toys, charms, vases, and statuettes, pamted, tinted, enameled, printed, gilded, or other~ wise decorated in any manner, thirty five per centum ad valo- - rem.