Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/509

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480 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 307. 1894. m$**1>v**¤¤· P**¤>l*·¤r For telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies, one hundred and . g' nity-one dollars and ten cents. _ rmspmmg. For transportation of Indian supplies, eighteen hundred and ninety- three, six thousand one hundred and nfty-five dollars and eighty-two cents. For transportation of Indian supplies, eighteen hundred and ninety- one and prior years, three hundred and eighty-nine dollars and seventy- one cents. ciusm nliowed by WAR DEPARTMENT CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE THIRD §:,,`,§§{,{lc*,}§g',{‘Q§;,;{‘° AUDITOR AND SECOND COMPTROLLER. War ent. ` nmgjsim. For subsistence of the Army, six hundred and seventy-five dollars and ninety-nve cents. oumemtmqsne- For regular supplies, Qua-rtermaster’s Department, three hundred P**'°'**°***·· ’“Pi’1‘°“· and iiitymine dollars and ninety-Seven c611i1S- rmmsmiexpemts. For incidental expenses, Quartermaster’s Department (except for service over Pacino railroads), three hundred and thirty-four dollars and seventy-eight cents. ‘ rmtpsmnon. For transportation of the Army and its supplies (except for service f over Pacino railroads), one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nve dollars and three cents. - mffy 1**** °°*** *“" For fifty per centum of arrears ot Army transportation due certain ' land-grant railroads, six dollars and twentyeight cents. ciomag, em. For clothing, and camp and garrison equipage, seventy dollars. nom. d For horses for eavah·y and artillery, one hundred and sixty-nve ollars. tmB=*’¤<=l*¤ ¤**·* *1***** For barracks and quarters, four thousand three hundred and thirty- ` three dollars and fifty-three cents. cmmrm For national cemeteries, sixty-two dollars and nineteen cents. ` omérvmon or For observation and report of storms (except for service over Pacino ’°°""‘ railroads), twelve dollars and sixty-six cents. u&'{§;¤¤p¤r¤¤¤¤. Sis- For Signal Service, transportation (except for service over Pacific "‘°°' railroads), thirty-two dollars and twenty-eight cents. msnmy xmsmy. For current and ordinary expenses, Military Academy, five dollars and fifty cents. F¤r¢i¤¤¤¤¤¤ - For contingencies of fortincations, one hundred and sixty-one dollars. memes River,Fla. For improving Manatee River, Florida, fifty-six dollars and thirty- seven cents. mdcrieth. Ga. wwe- For read from Marietta to national cemetery, Georgia, sixteen dollars ‘ and six cents. uma sp.-mg. new- For Army and Navy Hospital, U ot Springs, Arkansas, forty-eight ‘ . dollars and eighty-one cents. Volunteers- For refunding to States expenses incurred in raising volunteers, two thousand four hundred and fbrty-tour dollars and nfty-niue cents. nmt¤,tm.. cumin. For horses and other property lost in the military service, except the claim of the Security Insurance Company for four thousand dollars, _ ten thousand nine hundred and fifty-two dollars and eleven cents. ,¤Q{:§;*;,;:t*;ef:_"h· _ For pay, transportation, services, and supplies of Oregon and Washmgton volunteers in eighteen hundred and fifty-five and eighteen hundred and fifty-six, nfteen dollars and seventy-two cents. Fggp¤Au5q;¤da:$ CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE FOURTH AUDITOR AND smuincoizpiwha. SECOND COMPTROLLER. ' ' P¤s.Nsv,g. For pay of the Navy, thirteen thousand six hundred and ninety- eight dollars and seventy-sfx cents. M*¤¤·ll¤*=¤¤¤¤· For pay, miscellaneous (except for services over Pacino railroads), twenty-eight dollars and one cent. Mnrine Corps. For pay, Marine Corps, two hundred and fifty-two dollars and twenty-seven cents. For provisions, Marine Corps, fifty-two dollars and eighty-four cents.