Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/49

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20 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ons. 3-5. 1893. V- TYl•*‘ Y*S¤- To pay W. Tyler Page for clerical services under the Clerk of the _ House in the months of October and November, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, two hundred and fifty dollars. One month’s pay ui To enable the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of °§":,£’.i.°LY°°°’S°”°°°"° Representatives to pay to the officers and employees of the Senate and House, borne on the annual and session rolls on the third day_ of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, including the Cap1tol police and official reporters of the Senate and House, for extra SCTVICOS during the Fifty-third Congress, a sum equal to one month’s pay at the compensation then paid them by law, the same to be immediately · available. gel <g¤g:>¤- To pay Joel Grayson for services rendered in the Document Room Y"` ° since December fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and to continue him in said service until and including December thirty-iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-tour, at seventy-tive dollars per month, nine hundred and sixty-three dollars and fifty-nine cents. Approved, December 21, 1893. h D°°°mb°*` 2*38*- CHAP. 4.-An Act To extend North Capitol street to the Soldiers' Home. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mnmnct or comm- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby directed to open and grade North c_1¢$;={=:¤:_>:°gfN¤¤¤ Capitol street hom T street to the Soldiers’ Home, and are hereby $1. 2v,;..;;?. authorized and directed to condemn, in the manner provided by law Pm, P 51 prior to March second, eighteen hundred and ninetv-three, for the con- 'demnation of land in the District of Columbia, such of the lands of the Prospect Hill Cemetery and of Annie E. Barbour as may be necessary for the extension of said street, and the amount of money necessary to Appr¤pri•¤¢>¤· pay the judgment of condemnation and the cost of grading is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys of the District of Columbia in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the provisions of this hmm Act,hut the cost of grading shall not exceed ten thousand dollars: From D,_m°,_m,°_ Provided, That the said sum shall be paid out of the revenues of the nismmiamy mm- District of (columbia: And provided further, That this appropriation ,_,,,,_ shall be immediately available. Approved, December 21, 1893. Decembe . sos. CHAP. s.-A A c T 11 { t dd' ‘ ¤ ‘ · ~ ·;EL1···—·· court of the Teriitoiy oi lgllgmhdnngf uhd ifor hlhgupdrzzggiejustlces of me supreme Stlie it gpnrg-ted by the igenate and House of Representatives of the United a es o merzca in ongress assembled, That he (fte th g:{;*;>;¤:m0n of court of the Territory of Oklahoma shall consist oieal chief jhsatildergiiid supiemzg tug?. tour associate justices, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum; °· ·*’· · but ';hfB0t_LH(lg(;€StmUSh concurfto] render an opinion reversing a judgmen oro er e ermmation 0 the d` tt t. wsliggggxeggsricu Sec. 2._That it shall he the duty di thee lgilzzlsident to nominate and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate to appoint two additional associate justices of said supreme court, who shall hold their office for the term of four years, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and who shall receive the same compensation as now provided for the justices of the supreme court of Oklahoma Territory. kaié;. districtsestah- Sec. 3. That the said Territory shall be divided into five judicial dis. ` hvl£;}§g,!?§1(}a`2; dimmgztqtcourt shall lie held inrreaclr county, as now pro- _ _ _ _ r s preme cour o S3l( err1 o *h ll d ii 'd Tens. judiciail districts, Bllld shalll iilx the times and placesrdt Zaidh cdeurlltfir 3:211; m eac is ric » W ere the istrict court shall be l eld. d d " t the judge who shall preside therein. Each judge}, afteinassigilhaxeig