Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/469

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440 ‘ FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 307. 1894. A••••.n•¤ Abstract of the Eleventh Census, as provided in “An Act to provide for further deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and forother purposes," approved April twentyiirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. The number of copies and distribution of such abstract shall be as provided for the Digest of the Eleventh Census. _m{>¤m!:{‘¤¤¤¤*°‘A¢“· “DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ”"°*"¥ ”*'“*°'*· To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department on account of botanical investigations and experiments, being for the service of the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, two hundred and forty-six dollars and forty cents. ,gg‘§§{’$,*§§’,,_ P“"‘°l` · To adjust the accounts of B. F. Fuller, late disbiusing clerk, Department of Agriculture, involving the expenditure of no money from the Treasury, being a deiiciency in the appropriation for vegetable pathological investigations and experiments, eighteen hundred and ninety- two, seventy-six dollars and forty-seven cents. ,_’:,§g:"*'“°"‘ °' DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. $”·**°¤°¤’· Srnrronnavz To pay accounts on tile in the Department for stationery, set forth in House Executive Document Numbered One hundred ` ‘ and three of this session, being for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, eighteen dollars. “ For stationery iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, sixty- seven dollars and twenty-seven cents. ¥*•·=·¤··¤¤¤¤=·¤¤· Miscnnnumous rrmus: To pay accounts on file in the Department for miscellaneous items, set forth in House Executive Document N umbered One hundred and three of this session, being for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, one hundred and ninety-one dollars and fifty-four cents. For miscellaneous expenditures including telegraphing, fuel, lights, foreign postage, labor, repairs of, building and care of grounds, and other necessaries, directly ordered by the Attorney-General, on account of fiscal years eighteen hundred and ninety to eighteen hundred and ninety-three, inclusive, foiu· thousand five hundred dollars. For miscellaneous expenditures as set forth in Senate Executive iD3cument Numbered One hundred and nity-ilve, of this session, as 0 Ows: For eighteen hundred and ninety-four, four hundred and eighty-four dollars and sixteen cents. For eighteen hundred and ninety-three, thirty-nine dollars and forty- seven cents. For eighteen hundred and ninety-two and prior years, thirty-one dollars and sixtyseven cents. ‘ For transportation, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, three hundred and eighty-two dollars and thirteen cents. ”°°** For purchase of books for Department library, eight hundred and can C] fifty-five dollars and fiftyfive cents. E,é,m§_Y· For reimbursement of Cecil Clay for actual expenses incurred under Vo 21. p.414. the direction of the Attorney·General in the matter of the sale of certain land near Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania, under Act January sixth eighteen hundred and ninety-three, seventeen dollars and twenty cents: Sonar? Umrnn Srnus couacr m Annsxaz To pay Barton Atkins, late “ °‘*"’"°'· marshal of the United States court for the district of Alaska, the salary due him from August fifth to September third. eighteen hun. dred and eighty-six, one hundred and ninety dollars and twenty-two cen s.