Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/459

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430 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 307. 1894. the service of the nscal year ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, one dollar andfifty cents. _ I...;...;,;,;;;;.,-i.e.. Iimusrmn. Cnmsrrmr Home-, Urns: The accounting officers of Hm- the Tremury are hereby granted authority to credit and allow in the accounts of Henry Page, disbursing agent of the Industrial Christian Home Association of Utah Territory, without the further payment ot any money from the Treasury, the sum of three hundred and ninety- mm. five dollars and forty-five cents, expended by him for reppirs of the building for the Industrial Christian Home Association of tah Temtory from the appropriation for the erection of said building. IMM- Consrrrurrouan CoNvENr1oN, Scrum or Innno: That the Secreu¤¤3>¤·•¤- ·=9¤¤¤¢¤- tary of the Treasury is directed to cause to be paid, out of the appro- °€}.,1_§°fE?°°' priation for the payment of the expenses of the constitutional convention for the State of Idaho, made July third, eighteen hundred and ninety, the sum of four thousand three hundred and seventy-nine. dollars and sixteen cents, or so much thereof as remains as an unexpended balance of said appropriation, pro rata, upon each certificate- _ issued by the said constitutional convention for the per diem pay of the 3 · members thereof: Provided, That the amount so paid to the holders of such certificates shall be in full satisfaction of the same as against the Government of the United States. . mggjltlwwisn 1¤•¤- . UNDER SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. {name zwwsui Nnmonn. Zooroerciu. Pnnxz For amount necessary to pay the P’§f‘,,_ bill of V. Baldwin Johnson for coal furnished by him for the National Zoological Park, the certiiicate of inspection required by section thirty- seven hundred and eleven, Revised Statutes, being hereby waived, four dollars and seventy-five cents. mn commission. FISH COMMISSION. ms: Marcos. Tex-. Frsn unronmnr, Tmxnsz For the completion of the iish-cultural €’.,f°§’P_m_ tation at San Marcos, Texas, authorized by the Act approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, eight thousand three hundred " dollars, to be available until expended. mmvm. M¤¤r-. Frsn uucnmzr, MoN:rANA: For the completion of the iish-cultural v,,;_L'j,w_ station near Bozeman, Montana, authorized by the Act approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, six thousand tour hundred dollars, to be available until expended. st. attuimy, vi., Fxsn nyrcnmzr, Vmmonrr: For the completion of the fish-cultural "‘§‘j}}f’,"{·p,,,,,_ station at Saint Johnsbnry, Vermont, authorized by the Act approved vm. 27, nw. March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, eight thousand tive hundred dollars, to be available until expended. P¤¤v¤s=·¤¤¤-¤=¤· _ PROPAGATION or roon-rrsnss: For the payment of outstanding liabilities incurred during the fiscal years eighteen hundred and ninety- one, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and eighteen hundred and ninety- three, on account of the propagation and distribution of food-iishes and the collection of statistics of the fisheries, nine hundred and thirty- one dollars and ninety-four cents. . _£=;:¤(g;»=¤m¢:_m?0:_¤¤— INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. rmgéices mppm- That the unexpendecl balances of the appropriations for the Inter- P ’ state Commerce Commission for eighteen hundred and ninety-two and eighteen hundred and ninetythree are hereby reappropriated and made available for expenditure during the tiscal years eighteen hundred and ninety-four and eighteen hundred and ninety-five, to enable the V¤1-24. p·38& Commission to properly carry out the objects of the •*Act to regulate