Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/447

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418 FIFTYJIHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ou. *301. 1894. ¥"<>l¤¤°¤¤¥ ¤· The Secretary of State is hereby directed to cquse fha Bcvoluuonary °blé:§¤ on publish- archives, except the military records, nov? deposxtcd lD£ his Department

  • ¤¤· to be carefully examined, and to asccrtmu whqt portions are of sum-

‘ cient importance and historical value to pubhsh, and the number gf printed volumes they would make and the reasonable cost of thanpublication and editing, and report: the result to Congress with such recommendations as he may deem proper. Bmquofmcum Fon mma: BUREAU OF AMERICAN REPUBLIGS: For preparing, prmt- R‘}£{\}’§$i0,,_ ing and circulating publications, five thousand dollars. The l3urqa.u of American Republics shall be placed under the control apd (IIIBCUOI1 . s»mmy»:s¤»m• of the Secretary of State, who shu]1 report [:0 Congress ata 1ts next leg- ’°P°’° °“ °°“‘*"“*”¥· ular session the propriety of continuing said Burcaq, pr 1f any obllga.- tion exists upon the part of the United States requiring the coutmuaucc thereof Samoan I¤1¤¤·1¤- For the execution of the obligations of the United States ansi the Pmwmrig Ameri- rotection of the interests and property of the United States m the °“““"°'°“'S‘ gamoau Islands under any existing treaty with the Government of said islands and with the Governments of Germany and Great Britain, six thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the President. · 1.¤g1»1¤em. UNDER LEGISLATIVE. $*>a¢¤¤¤¤* ·>f ¤vv¤* STATEMENT or APPROPRIATIONS! For preparation, under the direcp"°°°°°‘ tion of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the statements showing appropriations made, . new officcs created, offices the salaries of which have been omitted, increased, or reduced, together with a. chronological history of the ragular appropriation bills passed during the first and second sessions of V¤1-¤¤·1>·58*- the Fifty-third Congress, as required by the Act approved October nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, one thousand two hundred dollars, to be paid to the persons designated by the chairmen of said committees to do said work. _1¤¤¤¤ w ¤¤¤gr•>»— Imam: TO CONGRESSIONAL 1>0cU1mm·s: To pay for the work done "°"1°°°`"°°”"' in preparing and completing the document index of the Fifty-second Congress, by Alonzo W. Church, one thousand dollars. senate. To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay to the officers and ,,,,9,‘}‘§,,"L‘{f,‘§{‘°‘$cfi§¥,§‘{ employees of the Senate who were borne on the rolls of tha Senate •¤•¤¤··¤-¤3<l€6¤:r=¤¤— August iirst, eighteen hundred-mud nixrety-three, aud who were not borne ou said rolls November third, eighteen hundred and ninety-tl1ree, at the closcof the first session of the Fifty-third Congress, an sum equal to one m0nth’s pay at thermo of compensation paid them at the time of their discharge, eleven thousand dollars, or so much tlncrcofzas may bc §:•;v··t:k nevessary: Provided. That 110 payment Shall be made kl0I‘€\lll(lBI‘ to m"any officcr or employee who was rc-employed in the service of the Dec·ense<lennpln;·ecs· Senate within the period named: Prorided, That in case may of the employees above referred to have deceased since November third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, the amount herein provided shall bc paid to the widow of such deceased employee. uml1m; 1cm1am;. Eur heating apparatus and repairs of Maltby building, four thousand 0 ars. .

g;>;¤g¤ M ·1¤·:¤   For the mnt of W’@.I'Ci10llS6 for storage of public documents, formerly

m the Maltby building, nine hundred and forty-five dollars. IQ3Q;;;; fQ0l‘$'¤¤¤· To pay Charles H. Evans extra compensation for preparing statistical ` tablieaaiul for services rendered to the Committee ou Finance, one thou- , san 0 lars. Florence s. nm-. To pay Florence S. Vance, widow of the Honorable Zcbulon B. Vance, deceased, late an Senator from the State of North Carolina. live thousand dollars. b£;;:j¤ A- Stock To pay Bessie A. Stockbridge, widow of the Honorable Francis B, Stockbrulgc, deceased, late a Senator from the State of Michigan, Gvc thousand dollars.