Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/429

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400 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 301. 1894. W¤rD¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. mdtrmories and arse- ARMORIIZS AND ARSENALS. R¤¤k1¤¤¤¤d· IH- For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as follows: Machinery- For machinery and shop fixtures and renewal of steam plant, ten thousand dollars. ‘ _ _ csre. exe. For general care, preservation, and improvements; for painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings, and shores of the island; for building fences and sewers and grading grounds, ten thou- ‘ sand dollars. · R°P=i¤·¤¤°· For extraordinary repairs of the dikes, and dams of the Rock Island water power, and for repairing Moline dam wall and counterports and foundations, thirty thousand dollars, and the Secretary of Contract- ‘ War is authorized to contract for all of said works at an additional cost not exceeding thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. _ Bridge expenses. For the Rock Island Bridge, as follows: For operating and care, and preservation of Rock Island bridges and viaducts, twelve thousand dollars. For protecting Rock Island Bridge by means of sheer booms, two hundred and fifty dollars. , semis, csi. Bnmcu Ansniui., BENICIA, Csrrronmn: For establishing a complete and proper system of sewerage and to perfect the plumbing system at officers’ quarters numbered one, two, three, and tour, fifteen thousand dollars. 0<>1¤¤¤bi¤. Tm COLUMBIA AESENAL, COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE: For steam engine, one thousand dollars; for one thousand feet of iire hose, two and one- ' half inches in diameter, with necessary couplings, nozzles, and hose reels, one thousand four hundred dollars; in all, two thousand four _ _ hundred dollars. . F¤¤¤`·>¤i· P¤· Fnsivxronn Ansniur., PHILADELPHIA Pnnnsvrvsms: For pin-- chase or manufacture of new machinery, fifteen thousand dollars. I¤di¤¤¤i><>¤is.1¤<l· INDIANAPOLIS ARSENAL, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA: For construction of sewers to connect with the Indianapolis city sewer on Clifford avenue, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For constructing a new fence `along the west side of the arsenal on _ Hanna street, five thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine dollars. S_{f,‘?;g*§0,§*g\${*_;§“· SANDY Hoon Paovnvc GROUND, NEW JERSEY: For building and ` repairing roads and walks, and for general repairs to shops and storehouses and quarters, two thousand five hundred dollars. · Sr¤¤z¤<>M»M¤¤¤- SPRINGFIELD ARSENAL, S1·E1NG1·*1ELD, MASSACHUSETTS: For repairs and preservation of grounds, buildings, and machinery not used for manufacturing purposes, ten thousand dollars. W{g;;{:g¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤. _ TEs:rn~:eMAcn1NE,WsrEnroww Ansniunz For labor, and material ‘ lll caring for, preserving, and operating the United States testing machine at Watertown Arsenal, including such new tools and appli- _ ances, as may be required, ten thousand dollars. ,hf;3¤g*{;$¤· Wm VYIATEBVLIET ARSENAL, WEST Tnor, NEW Yom:; For increase of ' the independent water supply in addition to the supply from the West Troy Waterworks, eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and eighty cents. {’,:;·g,sM8nw Authority is hereby granted to use any balance that may remain of Vol. 27. p, nn. the appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars made by the Act of Congross approved February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety- three, for paving the highway to the extent of the arsenal frontage at the Watervliet Arsenal, for the purpose of paving the roadways inside H _ the arsenal grounds. °"'“"'" Rnrnins OF AESENALS: For repairs and improvements at arsenals and to meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, fifty thousand dollars.