Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/420

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 301. 1894. 391 BUREAU or IMMIGRATION! The head money from alien passengers ,B¤¤>¤¤ <>f1r¤¤¤iz¤- ou and after the lirst day of October next, collected under the Act of miiéa.1 money m- August third, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, to regulate immigra- °'$,**;°‘*- 214 tion, shall be one dollar in lieu of the fifty cents as provided in aid °`22`P` ` Act, and such head money and all other receipts which shall be collected on and after July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, in connection with immigration shall be covered into the Treasury; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to the next regular session of ssmcs at mmm. Congress a plan for the organization of the service in connection with *'°*‘·’°P°’*· immigration and make detailed estimates of the employees necessary for such service, and their compensation and all other expenses. The commissioners of immigration at the several ports shall be Commissionersbobe appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the “PP°i“*°•*- Senate, to hold their offices for the term of four years, unless sooner removed, and until their successors are appointed; and nominations for such offices shall be made to the Senate by the President as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act. That section thirty-six hundred and eighty-seven of the Revised ¥’·~ym¤pt of wing Statutes is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: “And °°f?sT i}$?°iiii?` p. to pay the salaries of watchmen and night watchmen in custom-houses, "2*·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· who may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to act as inspectors of customs.” .AIlASKAN SEAL Fisnmzms: For salaries and traveling expenses of +¤=·~¤k¤¤ ml ¤¤¤·- agents at seal iisheries in Alaska, as follows: For one agent, three °rEm,·,,..;,,,;.,,,.,l.,_ thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; one assistant agent, two thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars; two assistant agents, at two thousand one hundred and ninety dollars each; necessary traveling expenses of agents actually incurred in going to and returning from Alaska, not to exceed five hundred dollars each per annum; in all, twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. For the protection of the sahnon iisheries of Alaska, under the direc- sums asm-iss. tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, four thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to furnish food, fuel, and F¤<><1wA1¤¤k=¤¤¤- clothing to the native inhabitants on the islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, Alaska, nineteen thousand five hundred dollars, and of the portion of said sum to be distributed to the inhabitants of Saint Paul Island, three thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars shall be paid to the bishop of the Greek Church, San Francisco, California, in full satisfaction of that amount contributed by members of said church of said island and placed in the hands of the agent of the North American Commercial Company for delivery to the bishop of said church, and afterwards, under instructions of the Treasury Depart ment, expended in furnishing the natives of said island necessary supplies to prevent suffering and starvation, a pro rata amount being allowed each of the families on said island; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby required to fix a reasonable price to be paid the natives of said island for blue fox skins secured by them. For two coal houses on the islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, _ ling; hcuw. M1 Alaska, eight hundred dollars. `“ ' For publishing the Presidents proclamation concerning seal nsheries m£g_f:¤¤i¤¤ 1******* of Bering Sea, and for protecting salmon fisheries of Alaska, asrequired by Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, “to provide V¤1·25.p·1¤<>¤· for the protection of salmon fisheries of Alaska/’ and for expenses of carrying out lease of and protecting seal life on islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, Alaska, under sections nineteen hundred and fifty- as., Sm.isss,iov1, nine and nineteen hundred and seventy-one, Revised Statutes, live "" “"*‘”°‘ hundred dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay necessary expenses b (51;:- azeallggisg lng of enforcing the conditions of section four of the Act approved April A,,,;,,,_’§_ ' sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, giving effect to the award rendered by the Tribunal of Arbitration, at Paris, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, one thousand five hundred dollars.