Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/407

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378 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ou. 301. 1894. of disaster, or in any eifort to save persons from drowning, at such , rate, not to exceed ten dollars for each volunteer, as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine; pay of volunteer crews for drill and exercise; fuel for stations and houses of refuge; repairs and outhts for same; rebuilding and improvement of same; supphes and provisions for houses of refuge and for shipwrecked persons succored at stations; traveling expenses of officers under orders irom the Treasury Department; for carrying out the provisions of sections seven and eight of the Act approved May fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two; for draft animals and their maintenance; and contingent expenses, including freight, storage, repairs to apparatus, labor, medals, stationery, mmumum. newspapers for statistical purposes, advertising, and miscellaneous expenses that can not be included under any other head of life-saving stations on the coasts of the United States, one m1llion and eighty- nine thousand and torty-seven dollars and fifty cents. _ new manu. For establishing new life-saving stations and lifeboat stations on the sea and lake coasts of the United States, authorized by law, forty thousand dollars. R-2*·¤¤•-¤¤**·= - nnvnnon-comm snuvrcn. Service. Sulnrm sndu- For expenses of the Revenue-Cutter Service: For pay of captains, ’°““°" lieutenants, engineers, cadets, and pilots employed, and for rations for 1—m•s». the same: Provided, That on and after the passage of this Act the pay °·*·*·'l*v- of cadets in the Revenue-Cutter Service shall be five hundred dollars per annum and one ration per day, in lieu of the rates at present authorva.1u,p1m. ized by law, chapter two hundred and forty-six, paragraph four, Act July thirty-tirst, eighteen hundred and seventy-six; for pay of petty officers, seamen, cooks, stewards, boys, coal-passers, and firemen, and for rations for the same; for fuel for vessels, and repairs and outfits for the same; ship chandlery and engineers’ stores for the same; traveling expenses of officers traveling on duty under orders irom the Treasury Department; instruction of cadets; commutation of quarters; seumnmes. for protection of the seal iisheries in Bering Sea and the other waters of Alaska and the interest of the Government on the seal islands and the sea-otter hunting grounds, and the enforcement of the provisions New York Hamm-. of law in Alaska; to carry into eifect the provisions of “An Act relat- V"' 2* ’· “r ing to the anchorage of vessels in the port of New York," approved May ~ sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight; contingent expenses, including wharilnge, towage, dockage, freight, advertising, surveys, labor, and miscellaneous expenses which can not be included under special heads, nine hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars. AE:,;;- ¤ Nlé? ;r<m_ For maintenance of a refuge station at or near Point Barrow, Alaska, uw. ’ g on the Arctic Ocean, four thousand dollars. m§$:;¤:,¤;0:g* NW _ For constructing a revenue steamer of the first class, under the direc- ' tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, for service on the New England coast, seventy-tive thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to contract for building said vessel, in terms not toexceed one hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars, in accord- Amr, p.4. ance with the provisions of an Act approved October thirty-iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three; L::;:;-»er at crm _ For constructing arevenue steamer of the first class, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, for service on the Great Lakes, seventy—five thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasurv is hereby authorized to contract for building said vessel, in terms mit to exceed one hundred and seventyfive thousand dollars, in accordance Am, N, with the provisions of an Act approved November third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. P1-Elriiglgaving and ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. S·l¤¤¤¤- For labor and expenses of engraving and printing: For salaries of all necessary clerks and employees, other than plate printers and plate