Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/347

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318 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 290. 1894. If the Secretary of the Interior shall not, within one year after the ratification of this agreement by Congress, refer the question of the ownership of the said Pipestone Reservation to the Supreme Court, as provided for above, such failure upon his part shall be construed as, and shall be, a waiver by the United States of all rights to the owner- · ship of the said Pipestone Reservation, and the same shall thereafter be solely the property of the Yankton tribe of the Sioux Indians, including the fee to the land. Anrrouz XVII. _ rnmmm pmlnt- No intoxicating liquors nor other intoxicants shall ever be sold or "°°· given away upon any of the lands by this agreement ceded and sold to the United States, nor upon any other lands within or comprising the reservations of the Yankton Sioux or Dakota Indians as described in the treaty between the said Indians and the United States, dated April 19th, 1858, and as afterwards surveyed and set off to the said Indians. The penalty for the violation of this provision shall be such as Congress may prescribe in the act ratifying this agreement. Anrrcrn XVIII. ,0f;¤¤¤* ¤‘¤¤*>"` i¤ Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to abrogate the treaty v.,i,n, p,m_ of April 19th, 1858, between the Yankton tribe of Sioux Indians and the United States. And after the signing of this agreement, and its ratification by Congress, all provisions of the said treaty of April 19th, 1858, shall bein full force and effect, the same as though this agreement had not been made, and the said Yankton Indians shall continue to receive their annuities under the said treaty of April 19th, 1858. Anrrcrn XIX. lggoggxiugf ”'i°°'* When this agreement shall have been ratified by Congress, an oflicial copy of the act of ratification shall be engrossed, in copying ink, on paper of the size this agreement is written upon, and sent to the Yankton Indian agent to be copied by letter press in the “Agreement Book" of the Yankton Indians. Aarrcuz XX. Siam: ¤sr¤¤¤¤¤¤- For the purpose of this agreement, all young men of the Yankton tribe of Sioux Indians, eighteen years of age or older, shall be considered adults, and this agreement, when signed by a majority of the male adult members of the said tribe, shall be binding upon the Yank- ‘ ton tribe of Sioux Indians. It shall not, however, be binding upon the United States until ratified by the Congress of the United States, but shall as soon as so ratified become fully operative from its date. A refusal by Congress to ratify this agreement shall release the said Yankton Indians under it. In witness whereof, the said J. C. Adams, John J. Cole, and J. W. French, on the part of the United States, and the chiefs, headmen, and other adult male Indians, on the part of the said Yankton tribe of Sioux or Dakota-spelled also Dacotah—Indians, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals. tbDoplp at ghe Ylankton Indian agency, Greenwood, South Dakota, is irty- rst a of December eighteen hundred n i - (D., 31., as,. ’ 7 g i d *· Myer Jnms C. Anxms, [smxr.] Jon}: J. Coma:. [ s12:.·u..j