Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/341

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312 FIFTY-THIRD CON GRESS. Sass'. II. Ch. 290. 1894. 1,;.,,.,,.; .,; mae eighteen hundred and eighty; and thereupon said State bonds or stocks shall become the property of the United States. rmmzm mn For the payment of interest on said bonds for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety four, seventy-eight thou- §,,*··g*g,“m sand three hundred and twenty dollars: Provided, That the Secretary cm'¤.» qiinst of the Interior is hereby directed to make a thorough examination of ·

 ‘° *’° °" the claim of W. B. Munson, of Denison, Texas, against the Chickasaw

‘ tribe of Indians for the amounts named in certain orders or draits drawn by R. H. Saunders in favor of the First National Bank of Denison, Texas, dated December tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, and directed to Honorable Robert L. Boyd, auditor, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, and by him accepted January sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and to make afull report of the finding of the acts to ougress in December next. ,,,§,§§$,“§§°,d$f,,,§‘;§j Sec. 3. That no purchase of supplies for which appropriations are herein made, exceeding in the aggregate five hundred dollars in value, at anyone time, shall be made without first giving at least three Exception. exim-- weeks’ public notice by advertisement, except in case of exigency, °*°“‘ when, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, who shall make oflicial record of the facts constituting the exigency and shall report the same to Congress at its next session, he may direct that purchases may be made in open market in amount not exceeding three thousand mu dollars at any one purchase: Provided, That funds herein and hereto- ‘ fore appropriated for construction of artesian wells, ditches and other works for irrigating may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the · Interior, beexpended in open market: Provided further, That purchase “;·:=¤··¤• *¤·¤ I¤· m open market shall as faras practicable, be made from Indians under hmmuuulm the direction of the Secretary of the_Inter1or: And provided further, ,_m“m_m¤M_ ‘ That the Secretary of the Interior IS authorized, for the period of · thirty days alter the approval of this Act, to purchase in open market

upphes necessary for the Indian service, until contracts are executed

and approved and contractors have had time to deliver supplies to the several agencies, to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars at any one time, a special report thereof to be made to Congress at its “f;•uj,§*g;; g*,g;:j¤¤· next session. And the Secretary of the Interior may, when practicable, arrange for the manufacture by Indians upon the reservation, o£ shoes, nmummnt be- clothing, leather, harness, andiwagons, _ mm m,,,_p,m,m_ _ Sec. 4. That hereafter the Commissioner of Indian Aiiairs is author- - _ ized to advertise in the spring of each year for bids, and enterinto contracts, suhiect to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for goods and supplies for the Indian service required for the ensuing iiscal year, notwithstanding the fact that the appropriations for such fiscal year have not been_ made, and the contracts so made shall be ou the basis of the appropriationsfor the preceding fiscal year and shall contain a clause that no defiveries shall he made under the same and no liability attach to the United States in consequence of such execution if Congress fails to make an appropriation for such contract for the Hscal year for winch those supplies are required, And the Secretary of the mv M0 f I Interior, under the direction of the President, may use any surplus m_uim t::c;¤rp ¤¤ thatiiiay rema1nin any ot the said appropriations herein made for the pure use of subsistence for the several Indian tribes, to an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars in the aggregate, to sup- ?,,,,,,,,,, d pry any subsistence deficiency that may occur: Provided, however-, M Y ¤¤ =- 'lhat funds appropriated to tiiliill treaty obligations shall not be used: mmm- And pi·m·uledfizrz‘}zer,_ That any diversions which shall be made under authority of tlus section shall be reported in detail, and the reason therefor, to Congress, at the session of Congress next succeeding such diversion: And provuicd further, That the Secretary of the Interior, under the direction of the President, may use any sums appro- Pmhm of Huck printed in this Act for subsistence, and not absolutely necessary for mi., ac, that 1>5¤rp<>S<=- for the purchase of stock cattle for the benefit of the tribe for wlnch such appropriation is made, or for the assistance of such