Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/337

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308 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 290. 1894. " ninety-five dollars and eighteen cents for excess of cows delivered at Crow Agency in October and November, eighteen hundred and ninety- 0De: vmmq.Provided, That the said amounts are found to be charged at the con- ·*°°““ “““°·°°°' tract price for beef cows; that they were actually received by the authorized officers of the United States and issued to the Indians: Funds. And provided further, That there are funds to the credit of the respec- ‘ five Indians from which said sums can be paid. Eugene E. wma, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized "`°¥"‘°““°· to allow to Eugene E. White, of Prescott, Arkansas, late a special United States Indian agent, a credit of one hundred and sixty-tive dollars on his two cash accounts, one for the quarter ending December , thirty·iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and the other for the quarter ending March thirtylirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and out of said amount to pay him the sum of sixty-nine dollars and forty-nine cents, which is hereby appropriated. J¤m<7¤ A- Cwvcr That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department be, C'°°"‘"‘°°°“°°“‘ and they are hereby, authorized to re-examine the accounts of James A. Cooper, late special agent of the Interior Department, upon the principles of equity and justice, and allow him such credits as he is _ entitled to and incurred by him under direct authority and orders of his superior officer, the Secretary of the Interior; and give him credit for the per diem due him while detained here in Washington under orders of the Interior Department. k01•1 S¤¤1¤¤·¤ Cbm- To provide for the expenses of the five commissioners appointed to °§Z,,,,,,;.,,i.,,, g,,, 0,,,, take a census of the Old Settlers Cherokees, five thousand dollars, the ’¤¤·· same to be deducted from the amount awarded to said Indians by Pm' P` m' judgment of the Court of Claims, dated June sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and reimbursed to the United States. _ .S¤ppcrt¤f schools. FOR SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. 'D°Y ***6 i¤•*¤¤¤"i¤*· For support of Indian day and industrial schools and for other educational purposes not hereinafter provided for, including pay of draftsman to be employed in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Aiiairs, one million dollars, of which amount the Secretary of the Interior may in his discretion use five thousand dollars for the education of Indians `-F¤¤¢¤·>¤ ¤¤¤¤¤r¤ir in Alaska; for the erection and repair of school buildings on Indian »H¤r~¤¤»¤w· reservations, forty thousand dollars; for the purchase of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and poultry, for schools, twenty thousand dollars; ‘T¤¤¤P°¤·*¤¤·¤*·=· for collecting and transporting pupils to and irom Indian schools and also for the transportation of Indian pupils from all the Indian schools, except Carlisle, and placing of them, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of such suitable white families as may in all respects be qualified, to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educa tional training under arrangements in winch their proper care, support, and education shall bein exchange for their labor, thirty-tive thousand Il}¤1;i£¤·>··m8 im dollars; in all, one million ninetyfive thousand dollars: Provided, That '" p° °not more than one hundred and sixty-seven dollars of this appropriation shall be expended for the annual support and education of any one pupil, except in such cases as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior a larger expenditure is absolutely necessary to prevent a serious impairment of the efficiency of the school, a full statement of the specific reasons for such additional expenditure to be made by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in his annual report: And provided S¤r¤¤·*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i*¤d· further, That no more than three supervisors of Indian schools shall be _ appointed or paid from this fund. _MjQ_*’“‘¤“°"1“°~ N For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at Albuquerque, New Mexico, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum for each pupil, forty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; pay of superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; in ali, iortythree thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.