Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/326

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 290. 1894. 297 actual value, he may cause the same to be sold upon the same terms as the other lands are sold: And provided further, That betbre any sale C<>¤¤¤¤t of Indians shall be made of said lands the consent of amajority of the male adults 0 said Indians shall first be obtained. That the net proceeds arising from the sales of lands, as provided in P*°°**°d¤· section one of this Act, shall be used for the benefit of said tribe or ( shall be paid to said Indians per capita, as the Secretar of the Interior may determine. The cost of the advertisement and sale of said lands Kshall be defrayed from the iirst proceeds arising thereirom. SEMINOLES. Seminoles. For five per centum interest on two hundred and fifty thousand dol- 1“”“’°¤°· lars, to be paid as an annuity, per eighth article of treaty of August vm. 11, p. mz. slewipnth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred o ars; For five per centum interest on two hundred and nfty thousand dollars, to be paid as annuity (they having joined their brethren West), per eighth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars; For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum,·to be paid annually, for the support of schools, as per third V¤1.14.p.·r¤v. article of treaty of March twenty-iirst, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two thousand five hundred dollars; For interest on twenty thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be paid annually, for the support of the Seminole government, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand dollars; in al1, twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. SENECAS. . S¤¤¤¤•¤· For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth article of treaty of Sep- ,,;f"""“"°"‘ ‘"‘ ““*' tember twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and seventeen, five hundred dol- VM- 7. p- 161- lars; For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth article of treaty of Sep- V°l· "· P- 17** tember seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighteen. five hundred dollars; For permanent annuity, for blacksmith and miller, per fourth article W-1.p-34•· of treaty of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, to be annually paid to them as a national fund, to he expended by them for such articles and wants and improvements in agriculture as their chiefs (with the consent of their agent) may designate, as stipulated an the seventh article of the treaty of February twenty-third,eighteen V°'· '·"· P·‘"’· hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars; For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth article of treaty of Sep- vm. -1. p. no. tember seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and fifth article V°'· "’· l’· “"’· of treaty of February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, five hundred dollars; For blacksmith and assistant, shops and tools, iron and steel, per "°'- "· P- 35*- fourth article of treaty of July twentieth, eighteen hundred and thirty· one, and fifth article of treaty of February twenty-third, eighteen hun- Vol.15,p.515. dred and sixty-seven, five hundred and thirty dollars; in all, three thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. sermons or mszw Yom;. Y§;;’f°°" °* N'"' For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on stock, per Act of Feb- $‘j,‘{f';f‘;ff’j‘j2‘f“"““"‘ ruarynineteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six thousand dollars; F or interest, in lieu of investment, on seventy-tive thousand dollars, rgminpstaa at ive per centum, per Act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred ‘ •" ‘ and forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;