Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/298

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 238. 1894. . 269 SALARIES AND EXPENSES, BUREAU OF ANIIIAL INDUSTRY: For BAnnn¤1 Indnstry, carrying out the provisions of the Act of May twenty-ninth, eighteen l§rsiT;i¤¤,em. hundred and eighty-four, establishing the Bureau of Animal Industry, $3}- 1* 31- and of the Act of August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, pro- 1¤¤;1¤ci£Q:gai,¤..t. viding for an inspection of meats and animals, also the provisions of *1*2;-‘f,§°é6 my the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, providing l 'p` ` for the inspection of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses and products thereof which are the subjects of interstate and foreign commerce, and for other purposes, the sum of eight hundred thousand dollars; and the Preventing diseases Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to use any part of. this °“`°“g °"‘“‘"1”‘ sum he may deem necessary or expedient, and in such manner as he may think best, to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonia, tuberculosis, sheep scab, and other diseases of animals, and for this purpose to employ as many persons as he may deem necessary, including one thousand dollars additional temporary compensation to the Chief of the _Ad<1itien=i1 psy te Bureau of Animal Industry, and to expend any part of this sum in the °h'°f °‘ B“'°““‘ _ purchase and destruction of diseased or exposed animals and the quar- rumnim, src., ol antine of the same whenever in his judgment it is essential to prevent ‘“'°°”°‘* °“*'””*“· the spread of pleuro-pneumonia, tuberculosis, or other diseases of animals irom one State into another, and for printing and publishing such reports relating to animal industry as he may direct; and the Secretary Reverteis hereby authorized to rent a suitable building in the District of Colum- Lwemwry- bia, at an annual rental of not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars, to be used as a laboratory for said Bureau of Animal Industry. QUARANTINE STATIONS Fon NEAT CATTLE: To establish and main- fo:l:m·j:¤;;·°¤¤e¤i¤¤¤ tain quarantine stations, and to provide proper shelter for and care of ° ' ' neat cattle imported, at such ports as may be deemed necessary, twelve thousand dollars. That whenever the Secretary of Agriculture shall certify to the h,g°§*j§mmgn§;?;*Q;f Secretary of the Treasury what countries or parts of countries are mu. free from contagious or infectious diseases of domestic animals, and ¥.j,’};”g;g,_§l“· that neat cattle and hides can be imported from such countries without ° danger to the 'domestic animals of the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury shall suspend the prohibition of the importation of neat cattle and hides in the manner provided by law. That the President G¤·e¤¢Bn¤nnof the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause corre- Nugomrions to spondence and negotiation to be had, through the Department of State {f}§,‘},f§,‘}° °"°"° ’°‘“1“‘ or otherwise, with the authorities of the Kingdom of Great Britain, for the purpose of securing the abrogation or modification of the regulations now enforced by said authorities which require cattle imported into Great Britain from the United States of America to be slaughtered at the port of entry, and prohibiting the same from being carried alive to other places in said Kingdom. That the Secretary of Agriculture shall determine and certify to the u‘{;f{:Y*”¥ P“”·"'°d Secretary of the Treasury what are recognized breeds and purebred ` animals, under the provisions of paragraph four hundred and eighty- }',§}ff;¥g,,‘§‘]3· two of the Act of Congress approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninety. ' Division or SEEDS. Dinvien of Seeds- PURCHASE AND DISTRIBUTION or VALUABLE SEEDS, AND Fort _P¤r¤n¤¤e· disrribn- THE PRINTING, PUBLICATION, AND DISTRIBUTION OF FARMERS, °‘°“‘"°‘ BULLETINS: For the purchase, propagation, and distribution, as required bylaw, of valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants, and expense of labor, transportation, paper, twine, gum, printing, postal cards, and all necessary material and repairs for putting up and distributing the same, and to be distributed in localities adapted to their culture, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. An equal proportion of two-thirds of all seeds, bulbs, trees,_shrubs, Mement- Vines, cuttings, and plants shn1l,upon their request, after due DOUHCHQOD by the Secretary of Agriculture that the allotment to their respective