Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/270

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. ’Ch. 228. 1894. 24] shall be used in the construction of a permanent rifle range at Fort F¤¤¢S¤¤¤¤¤z.Mi¤¤. Snelling, Minnesota. To enable the Secretary of War to purchase land for a rifle range at NS;°k°*°¤ H¤l>•>r· Sacketts Harbor, near Madison barracks, New York, at such sum and ,/ ` price as he may deem reasonable, not to exceed eight thousand tive hundred dollars, eight thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ' Clothing, camp and garrison equipage: For cloth, woolens, mate- Cl "*"€·€°mP md rial, and for the manufacture of clothing for the Army; for issue and g:7?:°n °qmP°g°' for sale at cost price, according to the Army Regulations; for altering and fitting clothing and washing and cleaning when necessary; for equipage and for expenses of packing and handling, and similar neces- ·saries, one million two hundred thousand dollars. ‘ For all contingent expenses of the Army not provided for by other ‘?'““g°”*°‘P°”°°¤· estimates, and embracing all branches of the military service, to be ’ -_ expended under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, fifteen "thousand dollars. _ MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. mQ,f§f*‘°“* D°P"*- Medical and Hospital Department: For the purchase of medical and s"PP“°°· °*°· hospital supplies, including disinfectants for general post sanitation, expenses of medical purveying depots, pay of employees, medical care and treatment of officers and enlisted men of the Army and Signal / Corps on duty at posts and stations for which no other provision is made, for the proper care and treatment of cases in the Army suffering from contagious and epidemic diseases, and the supply of the Army H¤¤S1>ri¤z¤.Arkand Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, advertising, and other miscellaneous expenses of the Medical Department, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; and not over forty thousand dollars of the money appropriated by this paragraph shall be applied t the pay- ment of civilian employees of the Medical Department. £LAnd the 0ir¤i¤¤ ¤¤¤r1¤y¢¤¤- Secretary of War is hereby authorized, after due adverti ment, to sell, under such conditions as he may prescribe, such unserviceable b§:ljt0;>_fs ¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤ medical and hospital stores, or other property exclusive of liquors, at ° ` the medical supply depots at New York, Saint Louis, and San Francisco, or in the custody of the Medical Department, as the Secretary of War may deem proper, the proceeds of such sales, after deducting expenses thereof, to be paid into the United States Treasury. , _ For the purchase of needful material tobe used in the art of teaching °"°"°'Y °°°°"'“¥· cookery to the enlisted men in the two companies of the Hospital Corps, five hundred dollars. Medical Museum and Library: For Army Medical Museum, preserva· M°<**¤¤1M··¤¤¤¤¤· tion of specimens, and the preparation and purchase of new specimens, five thousand dollars; for the library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, 1·¤>r=·r>·- eight thousand dollars; in all, thirteen thousand dollars. nimnmnn nnrxnrnnnr. ,,,§‘§,'}{""*’°’ ”°*‘"*‘ Engineer depot at Willets Point, New York: Incidental expenses of I¤¤i·i¤¤¢=1¤¤r¤¤¤<>¤- the depot, including fuel, lights, chemicals, stationery, hardware; extraduty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days as artiiicers on work in addition to and not strictly in line of their military duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lithographers, photographers, engine-drivers, teamsters, wheelwrights, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; repairs of and for materials to repair public buildings, machinery, and unforeseen expenses, four thousand dollars. For the purchase of materials for the instruction of engineer troops M¤¢<>¤=¤¤· at WVillets Point in their special duties as sappers and miners, for land and submarine mines, and pontoneers, torpedo drill, and signaling, three thousand five hundred dollars. s1*A1*—V01. xxv1r1——-16