Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/255

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226 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 206-208. 1894. and structure contemplated, and that it shall be decided by_the Secretary that said bridge does not and will not obstruct or 1mpa1r_ the navsm to mvigaricn- igation of said South Canadian River: Provided also, That said bridge shall, at all times, be so kept and managed as to olfer reasonable and proper means for the passage of vessels and other water through or under said structure, and for the safety of vessels passing at night there shall be displayed on said bridge, from the hours of sunset to Lap.", ew. sunrise, such lights or other signals as may be prescribed by the L1ght— 4m¤¤¤me¤¤.¤¢<>- House Board: Provided further, That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act at any time- and that 1f at any time navigation of said river shall in any manner be obstructed or 1m_pau·ed by said bridge, the Secretary of War shall have authority, and it shall WW. be his duty, to require the said company to alter and change the said bridge, at its own expense, in such manner as may be proper to secure tree and complete navigation without impediment; and if upon reason- ' able notice to said company to make such change or improvements the said company fails to do so, the Secretary of War shall have authority to make the same at the expense of said company, and all rights con— ferred by this act shall be forfeited; and Congress shall have power to !¤=•¤·**¤•¤·>¤- do any and all things necessary to secure the free navigation of said river. Approved, August 4, 1894. August ‘_ lm CHAP. 207.-An Act Providing for the sale of the old custom-house and lot con- —;————-—· nected therewith in the city of Louisville, Kentucky. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United rmcmiio, xy. States of America in Congress assembled, That when the public offices in of •·l·1 www- have been removed from the old custom—house, situated at the south- "°‘"° ""°'°"'°°‘ west corner of Third and Green streets, in the city of Louisville, State of Kentucky, and said building is in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury no longer needed for the use of the United States, the said Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sell at public auction in the city of Louisville, Kentucky, to the highest bidder. alter thirty days’ notice in two of the principal newspapers published in the said city of Louisville, the said building and lot on which it is located, and to give a quit claim deed to the pur- P,,.,,,,,,_ chaser thereof, and to deposit the proceeds of the sale to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States as “miscellaueous receipts derived from the sale of Government property." The time and place of said sale in said city to be iixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with power to reiect any or all bids and to rc—advertise and offcr the said property in like manner as often-as may be necessary to secure what in his judgment may be the value thereof, and the cost to be paid 1·»··»»s.»¤. trom the proceeds of sale: Provided, That before the said property is

  • "*"“‘“”""’“‘· advertised for sale a Government appraisement under the direction of

the Secretary of the Treasury shall be made of the value of the property—and that in the advertisement of sale notice shall be given that no bid will be received which is less than the appraised value of said property. Approved, August 4, 1894. A¤gust4.1894. CHAP. 208.-—An Act For the relief of persons who have filed declarations of "`°""‘i— intention to enter desert lands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Public nm. States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where decla- $$5;:5 r;a¤_r;rg·;f rations of intention to enter desert lands have been tiled, and the four .,...;.,,_ “°` ‘ years' limit within which final proof may be made had not expired prior