Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/176

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 166. 1894. 147 Germany: Consuls at Cologne, Crefeld, Dusseldorf, Leipsic, Brunswick, Sonneberg, Magdeburg, and Fnrth. Great Britain and British `Dominions: Consuls at Cardiff, Chatham, Cork, Dublin, Dunfermline, Hamilton (Ontario), Leeds, Nassau (New Providence), Port Louis (Mauritius), Port Stanley and Saint Thomas (Canada), Saint John (New Brunswick), Sherbrooke (Canada), Sydney (New South Wales), Toronto (Canada), Bermuda, and Auckland (New Zealand). Honduras: Consul at Tegucigalpa. Italy: Consul at Palermo. For salary and expenses of a commercial agent at Boma, in the Lower Kongo Basin, with authority to visit and report upon the commercial " resources of the Upper and Lower Kongo Basins, their products, their minerals, their vegetable wealth, and the openings for American trade, two thousand dollars. ` Madagascar: ‘ Consul at Tamatave. Mexico : Consuls at Acapulco, Piedras Negras, and Tampico. Netherlands : Consul at Rotterdam. Nicaragua: Consuls at Managua and San Juan del Norte. Russia: Consul at Odessa. Salvador: ` Consul at San Salvador. Spain and Spanish Dominions: Consuls at Baracoa, Manila (Philippine Islands), San Juan (Puerto Rico), and Sagua la Grande (Cuba). Switzerland : Consuls at Horgen and Zurich. Turkish Dominions: Consul at Beirut. CLASS \ 562-ass \ I, $1,500 a. At one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. Brazil: Consul at Santos. Belgium: Consul at Liege. Denmark: Consul at Copenhagen. France and French Dominions: Consuls at Cognac, Guadelupe, Martinique, and Nice. Germany: _ Consuls at Breslan, Kehl, Mannheim, and Munich. Great Britain and British Dominions: _ Consuls at Amherstburg (Canada), Antigua (West Indies), Barba— does, Belize (British Honduras), Bristol, Brockville (Ontario), Coaticook (Canada), Ceylon (India), Cl1arlottetown_(Pr1nce Edward Island), Clifton (Canada), Fort Erie (Canada), Goderich (Canada), Gibraltar, Guelph (Canada), Kingston (Canada), London (Canada), Malta, Morrisburg (Canada), Newcastle-on-Tyne, Picton (Canada), Port HOPB (Canada), Port Sarnia (Canada), Port Stanley (Falkland Islands), Prescott (Canada), Quebec, Saint Helena, Saint Johns (Quebec), S2-Hit Stephens (Canada), Stratford (Ontario), Three Rivers (Canada). WSI- léweburg (Canada), Windsor (Ontario), Winmpeg (Manitoba), Wood-