Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/146

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 149-151. 1894. 1 [7 CHAP. 149.-An Act T0 change the boundaries of the judicial districts of the State July 23, 1894. of Florida. tj; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following counties of Floridathe State of Florida, to wit: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Brevard, Clay, u,C'£§${§§’§,t§”':j$,f§{f§,,`i Columbia, Dade, Duval, Hamilton, Lake, Madison, M arion, Nassau, digg'? 0 ,34 90 ‘ Orange, Osceola., Putnam, Saint John, Sumter, Suwaimec, and Volusia, mg¤d'é(if° `° `p` ’ be and the same nrc hereby detached from the northern judicial district ‘ °*·”·P·”°· of said State, and attached to the southern judicial district thereof. Sec. 2. That terms of the district and circuit courts for said southern m»m¤,Jack¤¤m·1ue. `district shall be held at Jacksonville, Florida, beginning on the iirst Monday of December of each year, in addition to tho times at Key West and Tampa as now provided by law. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all cases or proceedings pond- P°“d‘”g °°“"°'· ing in tho circuit court for the northern district of Florida at Jacksonville, Florida, or filed in tho office of the clerk of said circuit court at Jacksonville aforesaid, and all records of said court at Jacksonville aforesaid, arc hereby transferred to said circuit court for the southern district of Florida, to be proceeded with therein as if originally instituted in said court. And all cases or proceedings pending in tho district court for the northern district of Florida at Jacksonville, Florida, or tiled in the officc of tho clerk of said district court at J acksonvillc aforesaid, and all records of said court at Jacksonville aforesaid, arc hereby transferred to said district court for the southern districtof Florida, to be proceeded with therein as if originally instituted in said court. Approved, July 23, 1894. · CHAP. 150.—An Act.T0 authorize the Secretary of State to accept for the United July 23, 1894, State of America a. painting by G. F. \Va.tts, Royal Academician, entitled "Love ————-——— and Life." ' Whereas G. F. Watts, Royal Acadcmiciau of London, England, has 1’r¤¤¤¤\>1¤· siguiiied, through the Secretary of State, zi desire to present to thspeoplc of the United States tho painting by himself entitled “Love and Lifc," which painting was 011 exhibition under the auspices of the Royal British Commissioner at tho World’s Columbian Exposition: Therefore BL it enacted by the Senate and House of Repo·csc·n1ati*vec of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State bo, m; m1¤g··1.m-t no and he is hereby, instructed to accept the said pztiutm g with at suitable L‘“‘ "°°°¥"°"‘ acknowledgment of thanks to the said G. F. Vhitts, Royal Academiciem, and that all the duties due and payable to the United States on the said paintiu g imported from Loudon be, and the same are Duties mmsma. hereby, remitted. Approved, July 23, 1894. CHAP. 151.-—An Act Granting to the University of Utah n site ol? the public July 23,1@4. domain. ""_’“""" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerim in Congress assembled, That there is hereby grantvd U“"’Q‘ to the Territory of Utah, and to any State formed from the same, tblé I-ulg§Q';§it§}'““t°° f°’ following tract of land: Commeneing on the west boundary line of H16 A»c¤,p.`1•>9. Fort Douglas military reservation at a point where it is iutersected by tho north line of Fourth South street, in Salt Lake City, Utah Tertitory, and running thence north on said line one hundred and thirty-six rods, more or less, to a. point where the south Iiuo of First South street, iu said city, according to the plat thereof, intersects the said boundary