Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1414

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1392 INDEX. pusy Page. Saint Johns River, Fla., Saint Stephens, _ appropriation for improving Vo1usiaBar- 351 appropriation for consnl at - - . , ... 14» , 822 for lighting __ _ ____________________ 377, 918 Saint Thomas, Danish West I Hd16S. prelimina.rg· examination of, to be made- 365 a.pp1‘0p1‘1B·l1i0!1 for G011B11i at .---------- 146, 820 survey of, omjacksonville to the ocean, Saint Thomas, Port Stanley and, directed __________________________ 369 appropriation for consul at 147. 821 Saint J0hn’s Universit , Minn., Saint Vrain., Captain Oeran, appropriation for pupils . 309 pay, etc., to, ew MOX100 Mounted Vol- Saint Johnsbury, Vt., unteers under ...,,._, 1036 deficiency appropriation for fish hatch- Sal Ammomac, ery ___________________,_________.. 430 duty on 509 Saint Joseph, Mich., Salacine, _ appiopmation for improvement of harbor- 344 on free Inst ...-.---- 544 use 0 appropriation for harbor . 970 Salaries, _ _ Saint Joseph River, Mich., persons receiving $2,500 a. year, not to appropriation for hnprovigng _,_______.., 356 hold two offices; BXCGPUODS ... 205 Saint J08c`ph’8 Asylum, D. C'., 1J3X 011, above $4,000 3 Y€3·1` .. 553 appropriation for maintenance ._.. 260, 762 received from Federal omce or other Saint LawrcnceHos;vital,Ogde1wburg, N K, uponwhich tax paid, excepted 553 condemned cannon donated to .. 212 Salem Creek, N J., Saint Lawrence River, .]\C K, . appropriation for light station, mouth of- 375 appropriation for improving shoals .. 347 Salem, Mass. , rules for vessels passing in _,___. _ _____.. 649 survey for deepening, etc., harbor, di- Saint Louis and Birmingham Railway rected 838 Compan , · Salem, Oreg., time extended] for bridging Tennessee appropriation for Indian school ... 311, 906 River at Clifton, Tenn ,._.,__._... 57 deficiency appropriatdonfor Indian school 479 Saint Louis, Avoyelles and Southwestern Salem River, M J., Railway Company, appropriation for improving 348 may bridge Bayou des Glaises and Atcha- preliminary examination of, to be made- 367 falaya R1ver, La . . 499 Saleratus, Saint Louis Bay, Lake Superior, duty on 512 appropriation for lighting 377 ,918 Salmon Bay, Saint Louis Bay, Wale., appropriation for dredging .. 360 appropriation for improving harbor . 34.5 Salmon Fisheries, Alaska, Saint Louis, Mo., appropriation for protecting ,. 391, 932 appropriation for salaries, assistant trans- report on wanton destruction of urer’s omce . 182, 784 game,otc ..,__ 932 for salaries, assay office at ...,... 184, 786 for publishing Presidents proclamafor expenses . ... 184, 786tion ..._.__. 391, 932 Saint Louis River, Saloup, construction of bridge authorized across, on frce list __.._.__..____ _ __________ 544 between Conners Point, Wis., and Salt, ` Rices Point, Minn ..._ 64 on free list; coverings to pay duty ______ M4 height diminished .. 228 duty on, from countries taxing salt from West Duluth, Minn., to Superior, Wis- 68 United States ______,_____________ 544 Saint Louis River, Minn. and l’Vis., Salt Cake, construction of bridge authorized across- 711 [ on free list .. . .,_______________ _ 544 Saint Louis River Brklge Camparég, } Salt Lake City, Utah, may bridge Saint Louis River, est Du- limit of indebtedness fixed ,_____________ 38 luth, Minn., to Superior, Wis ,,._. 68 excess void ___,____________ _ __________ 38 transfer to Duluth and Superior author- lands in, donated to Utah University 117 ized .. 70 R Saltpeter, Saint Lucia River, Fla., duty on refined ____ _ ,________ . ____,__,._ 511 preliminary examination of, to be made , 365 3 on free list ,.___________________ _ ______ 543 Saint Marys River. Mich., 9 Salvador. appropriation for lighting Hay Lake g appropriation for minister ____________ 14], 815 Channel; leases _. 375 [ gu- secretary of legation ____________ 142,816 for improving Hay Lake Channel . 404 { Sam Yuen. for improving, at the Falls i. 404, 947 * dehciency algropriation for _____________ 426 rules for vessels passing in .. 649 l Samoan Is ar . Saint Paul, Minn., { appropriation for protecting American appropriation for public building _, _____ 912 ‘ interests in ___,_________ _ _,____, 418, 818 contracts authorized for constructing { Sampson. Robert R., public building .. . 373 { payment of Count of Claims judgment tO_ 469 Saint Paul, Illinneapolis and Jlanitoba { ‘·San Alban0," Spanish Steamship, Railway Company, » acceptance of medals, etc., from Spain, granted right of way through White [ for rescuing crew of, authorized -- 990 Earth, Leech Lake. Chippewa. and » San Carlos Agency, Ariz., Fond du Lac Indian reservations, 1 appropriation for Indian agent at . 287, 877 _ Minn ..1. 112 » San Carlos Reservation, Ariz., Saint Petersburg, negotiations authorized for cemion of coal appropriation for secretary of embassy- - 142 lands __________________ _ __________ gg.; or consul-general at . - - 145. 819 right of way through, to Gi]; Vaugy, Saint Roses Industrial School. D. L'. , _ Globe and Northern Railway Comappropriation for maintenance_ _ _____, 200, 762 , pany _ _ ___________________________ 665