Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1387

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INDEX. 1365

 Pa . P .

OH¢1hMM1—CODh¤¤€Q. gc I Omaha. Indian Reservation, Ncbr.—Cont’d. age prccluzxxpigcn estabhshing Enid land dis- time; extandeg for paying for lands .. 276 1*10 .. . ._ 236 interest; `stributiou pro rata. to In- Perry land district ._._... 1236 diem; ,________________________,__ 276

 land district .. 1236 taxation; first lion for purchase money- _ 277
 to settlement, Cherokee Out-   cmng$$ site, Presbyterian school _. 507

e ,.. Omaha. mms, Pawnee Indian lands ._. 1225 payment of interest, etc., for reservation Tonkawa Indian lands .. 1225 lands sold 276 qmliimhoggéogvatzm, first election in Omaha, Zgzbg, Cher u e .. - ..._... approp a on or pu 10 u1 mg .__ ratification of Cherokee Outlet, Toukawa deiicicncy appropriation for mnt of riiic and Pawnee lands reserved for edu- range near ... 434 cational and building uses 71 contracts authorized for consuucting leases authorized; expenses ._,,... 71 public building ,,. 373 right of way thxozgh, to Kansas, Okla- terms of court ,, 221 léouia Centr and Southwestern " %da," Steamer, ai way .._,. 22 crican ragi for issu to “C ao,' town-site provisions applicable to Chem- and name changed to . 43 kes Outlet _,.._.. . 11 O’Ne€ll, Hog. Charles, late a Representative twoadditiousl judges, supreme court, au- in ongress thm-ized _____________.._________,_ 20 deficiency appropriation for dependant divimon of judicial districts .. 20 nieces of - ... 448 judges disqualified 00 sit in certain O’éVegll2 Hon. John J! ams _____________________________ e meucy approprm 10]] or con - Oklahmria, Cityz Qkla., election expenses . 448 abandoned m111tary reservation granted O'Ne·oll, T2m?a& to _______________1____,__,______,, paymen 0 0 Judgm an - for gublic schoog k .. - - m for u11dmgs'an 11 Y 011 ...»...--·.-.-..---- sale to Southern Efxsas Railway . 264 Onsettllfass., permits to Choctaw Coal and Iron Com- prehmmary examination of harbor, to be pany - 0 ; ----------- S d Sa] ; dggdg _______________ 264 Ontonagon, Mzch., ,u(;Ty;;yéo&¥0 p0S2m“w; ________________ 671 ;pp1·0priat·i011 for improvement of harbor- 344 Olamler, (Tha A., 963 payment of qlcgurt of Claims judgment to- 472 dqlty OB munufactlues, not Spccxiied 514 Old Dominion Creosgtigzg Company, WG GTS8C8i QIBHCIGDCY 3pp1'0p1'1Bi710l1 for ------------- 43* O $13;;) J1; Léifdiié E é' · · ·‘······‘‘‘‘ " Old Sealers,, or Watch} Chewkec In- 1;zppr0§riati011 for g£1iti;7é€V0iuma 20 413 diana, . ‘‘`‘ ‘ t' f f us,- 308,901 OP"""· . . .

§?Iz§g§s%u§;£:e¤t t0_ 451 dutgézudggund xgsparauous of .. gig

payment to John T. Heard for services 1:0- 1009 Ogibm I7l t7Q ;{; B ·····················‘ Okate of Soda- duty on . · j . . 514 Ol‘g;;’L?;é%; ··············‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 510 OI'll|l¥€ l·'lqu·er Oil. appropriation; for expenses, tuxatiml Of- 180. 782 361;; ``'`“`````“‘``` 542 Olive Oil, J 1; { ______ ’ _______________________ M; aut 0D- fm' $**18*13 -—--·------ - ~-------·- 510 y ();g=lg;9EII5;Pl’(fl,

 ·-----··· 542    Ou   

OUW8 _ 2 Oran Oil. duty; on .-------—·-----·-·---—- - -—-· 5** ;‘ on gsm use . 5Q Olmstead. E. B., _ I Orange Peel. appropriation folj SUYVGFIUH m E dut on .,.. 524 North Ca1‘0l1¤3.00mPT0mJ¤6 with 396» 981 l on éee list, not prepared ... 542 Olmsted, Frederick Law, ‘ 0;-im e IV0041, appropriation for 13115, 9t€·» €Xt€¤${0¤ { on gee list, cut in lengths .. 5-16 of ]uighways,¥>istrict of Columbia- 247 j O,.(mge8 Ol. , ., Ch les, duty 011 -.-..-.. 52 azréciévczg ¤PP¥'0P1'i¤ti0¤ fm' r°1mbm'$°‘ 42 - boxes, etc., containing; deduction ...- 524 ment-. . . .. --» ----------·— ‘ E Orchids, Olsen, Laurifz M, { dutf on - :--z--. ... - 525 deficiency appropnatwu 1.01‘ ..-- - 866 Orchi , OT O7'Ch1l Lzquzd. Olsepz Thorwuld. 0 ou free hst .. 542 O}}“‘i*“"" ?°°'° °°""°“° ‘‘‘``‘‘``‘`‘‘`` °',§{Z'“"°%’€;C'l“;i€;·€‘%ce¤ mgev , OZH8 r., ‘ deficiency a.ppr0p1'i3f101’1 fo1' - · - . -------— 400 1ty ----...--- - - - -; .-.-.. 235, 656 O; · yy gh for current expenses 242 662 ympw. Q ·, 346 du -·····-···-··· 249- approprmtmufor u11prov€m61lt0f h31'b01'- for met c ammunxhgs -..----- _ -i ., 662 Omaha and ?7,;nMbag0 Ageney.1\ebr., for repamgg. etc., or ance an 0 é appropriahon foI' I11dl§\D ight at ·---— 2S' v' nam; ores ···· Q ’··········· 242* Omaha Indian Reservafwfl, eb'-, for Pm'? 85% 9*0-, O!' nc? @01*96-- $62 right of my thmugm to Eamm Nebraska. for eqmgmeqts ...~. 662 and Gulf Rmlway Company .. 90 for Ov Gr aulmg. etc., new stores _,,. ,4,2, 662