Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1385

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INDEX. 1363 Pa e. Northern Pacific Railroad Oompan , g Oatmeal, Pageexamination of land grants m Lgoutana duty ou __._4__________________ _ ________ 522 _ and Idaho to ._,..__.. 683 Oats, mmeral lands disallowed ..___.. 683 duty on ..__________________ _ _______ 522 commissioners to examine; duties, etc -- 683 Obion River, Tenn., clsssifcaticn of lands; reports, etc . - 684 appropriation for improving ____________ 354 pr0tests,appea1s,ebc 685 O’Brien, Charles A., patents not to be issued before classifies- paymentof Court of Claims judgment to- 461 tion, etc .. 686 O’Br*ien, Frank J., forfeiture rights, etc., not waived ... 686 paymentof Court of Claims judgment to- 472 Norwalk, Conn., O’Bmn, John F., approigiahon for imiprovement of har- paymentof Courtof Claims judgment to- 455 r; removal 0 flats . 340 O’Bnkm, Oliver, survey of harbor directed .. 369 charge of desertion removed _.______ 996 .Z\brway, 0’Briem, Patrick F., appropriation for minister 141, 816 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 461 treaty with, for extradition of crimi- O’Brien, Peter, mils .. 1187 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 472 Nottingham, Books, ctc., appropriation for consul at ... 146, 820 importation prohibited . 549 or clerk hire .___._. 149, 823 penalty for omcer, etc., aiding ____ 549 Navubee River, Miss., proceedings for seizure, eu: . 549 appropriation for improving 352 Observatory (see Naval Observatory), preliminary examination of, to be made- 366 Obsewatwy Circle, D. C'., Nuevo Laredo, thoroughfares forbidden within 1 ,000 feet apfroprintion for oou.su1—genera1 at --- 145, 819 of Observatory ._. 588 or clerk hire _______._,,,... 149, 823 extension of Massachusetts avenue out- Nurembgrg, side of limits _____,.,__,._,_______ 588 approprmtion for consul at ... 146, 820 _ Sale of lands outside of limits ... 588 · gu- clerk hire _____., 149, 823 purchase of lands within circle; condem- Nursery Stock, - l18h0D, 9130 ... 588 on fi-ee list, plants, etc., for  ; 543 surveys; deposit of proceeds of sales .__. 589 Nut Og, Obsolete Cannon, on hoc ust _____________________________ 542 donated to Allegheny and Pittsburg, Nutmega, _ 544 Pa ·····- · ·---·- · ···-- - --~---·---- 967 N.‘2,“J3,°;,T’“3n*O;,;1, ‘"‘·‘‘‘‘‘i‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ¤·=¤ wg tgegmpmm •=¤»¤ pm-¤»g»¤‘ cx- 488 . - • ¤ r I u ______-__--_____--__`---` °°*"°{§},“‘“°“ ‘°’ "“'°°“““““'gj__’°’°TYj 735 mae port or aeumy ... 488 Nuts '°'`'''''''''''''Occoquan _C·rce_ k, Va., dui, on not yum mma, ew . soo ¤1>1¤<>r>¤¤¤<>¤ for imvmviug --·-----..·- 849 iron 0} me ’ .. » . mo Own and MM Sums, ‘ mt · sdf:;:;; ___________________ 524 uppropnatwu for . 125, 826 on mwnnz name, mae 540 " 0¤¤¤»9·" _ ‘ _ edible ____________ _ ___________________ 540 American regmter to foreign-built 21 one or, not ¤ iiied .. 542 ¤ *¤¤¤F —------------------------- 9 Nutt, Hassell, pac Ocher and Ochery Qartpg, payment of Court of Claims jUdgI!10!1t $0- 461 du'g°(;n•_ ground In OI-I —»—------- - --·---- 510 Num Vmnwn, °“ 1‘°*·.d'Y -—-·—--—---—---------·-—- M2 on hoc ust _______________ _ _____________ 542 Ocklawahq River. Fla., approprmynon for improving ...,._____,, 851 0 Ocmulgee Ruger, Ga.. ' appropriation for improving ..._,,______ 850 onkznmz A nm, omn., 0¤¤M¢ MM G¤-· , , appmprigtigu for Indian agent at . 287, 877 ¤PP1'0P¤¤¤°¤ f<>1‘ 1¤¤D1‘0V1¤$ ----.--. 350 Oakland Ca;" O’C'0nne1l, Edward, apprqiriation torimprovemeut of harbor- 346 P¤Ym€¤t of Cvurt of Claims judgment bo- 469 made subport of entry, San Francisco O’C0nmzll. John D., district _________. - 277 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 461 immediate transportation privileges to,- 277 O’C'0nn0r. Peter J . Oagmm, payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 469 on free list ,. 542 Oconto River, Wis., Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, IU-, preliminary examination of, to be condemned CBI1I10D iSS‘¤0d to .---------—- 639 m|{d9 -—-------------------------- 369 Oar Blocks, Oconto, Was., on free 11; _ __ _ ______._.__.. 546 I appropgiaticn for improvement of har- ()agh__,, _ 1*; Survey ...__, 34,5 administering, by naval omcers author- “Octavm," Steamer, ized _ _ _________________ , 639 deficiency appropriation for refund of Oaths, em., Pension, ¤¤¤ *0 <>y¤¤•=r ¤f ------------.. 426 may be administered by fourth-class posh- , Oddy, £Sarah (widow) , masters __________ _ __,,__..,.._... 499 I pension - ,.., 1006 gum, O , Odell, Edwin A.. of ¤u w customs 0E0m to be sent I payment- of Court of Claims judgment to secretary of the '1‘m¤¤¤ry .- 90*7 *0 ------.. 464