Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1373

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INDEX. 1351 . P¤80· Page. Mettler Cornelius B., Mm ‘ 3 I emu uq a qmgg ‘ ‘. puynrent of Court of Claims judgment to- 464 wmjgo-rn?;, t I E tum, Gah Harman Bm;nd{rry Combzzissioni h admissfio)1; cio articles for exhibition duty pl‘0O 0 sa cs may or or , e ___________________ _ ______ ]_ GXPGIISBS .. - .. 874 employment of foreign laborers _ 1 Meacican Boundary Survey, _ Migmrd, Pmgr H , _ _ payments to members of commismon 424 payment of urtcfC1m.m.s Judgment to- 455 GSSHZGG - Milan, Mwicqn Claims, appropriation for consul at .,..,,___,_ 148, 822 deficiency appropriation for expenses, Milde, Edward .1, 311:: agmnst We11 and La Abra 19 paymentof Court of Claimsjudgment to- 461 , ° P°·¤Y --------------·--------- Mileage, Neocon Wa? P¢'¢8€¢m8, appropriations for, Senate and House, opvroprwnon for payment of . 113, 703 made available for nm session Mexican War Volunteers, Fifty-third Cong;-oss ____ , ________ 11 limit of time for aglying to remove tor, Senators ____________.__________ 182, 764 M _ 0 charge of d n repealed .. 814 Md for, lgepresenmuves .._._.._ 105, 767 &:zc 7 _ , _ _ eager rm 1 UP 1‘0P¤¤¤0¤ fo1‘ HDNBWY ------.. 141, 815 · approprintign for officers; allotment-- 238 657 tor secretary of legation 142, 816 maximum; bond-aided roads _____ 236; 657

or consul-general at ... 145, 819 furnished bfimq¤um·mumr*s Ds.

or clerk lure ... _ 1 49, 823 payment, lt __,___.,________ 237, 657 conveutmn With, extending labors of ap rtionment b Secrets of Boundary Commission .__________ 1213 War ..,._,___,_ Y _,..,. K - - 237, 657 provisionh for shipping articles, trade 667 limited to special orders, etc .. 237 W1 ---- _ ----»·---.- c ------- 1 .--.- Mileage Claims Na , ¢smp9rsrys·rs¤nsof·cstt1cm.pcrm1ttsd- 577 deficiency appropglation tm- 481 mz, 874 tmmut m bond to Free Zone, suspended- 973 Milgqgg Tickets, Interchangeable, MeV6T, J, _ _ railroads may issue, for 5,000 miles; regpayment to vndow and chddreu 993 ulatjom _________________ _ _______ 643 Hmm; and EM 0'mwl. Milford Hmm, Va., engineer board to survey and report on, survey of directed__ _ 371 cignnecting Lake Erie and Ohio 355 Military (gee Army), ````'`````”`'````` _ _ W6! ------··------ -- ———-——-~-—-- l Military Academy, Nu"'", bid- T, _ _ _ appropriation for support of the .. 151, 627 mls of 1¤1¤<>¤»· ctc-. prolulmcd m ------· 906 sor samumu pay, superintendent- - 151, sz-: Miami Indians, Ind., for pay of professors, etc 151, 627 appropriation for judgment of Court ofcadets not to be detailed within two _ digqjbuhion _ 903 years of graduation _______________ 15] 1{mmus Rjwqr, Conn., for pay of cadets ... 152, 627 Mgpppyopnamon for gmprovgmgnt oflmrbor, 340 fg-; pay of band, gtc _________________ 152, 627 iw, rating ,..__,,,, 627 » duty on .. - ..--- 520 for longevity pay to professors .. 152, 627 Michigan, for Hel musicians .,..,...,..,,..._. 152, 627 granted Mackinac Island as a State park- 946 for general Arm service, quarterhomestead settlers in burnt districts masters detacnment .. 627 graznted complete entries, 634 cavalry detachxggnt ll? cu tim r ... maximum num r, etc . 6..8 regimental flags restored to . 970 for current expenses; repairs, etc- - - 152, 628 two flags of Twenty-second regiment fuel and lights 152, 628 turned over to . - . 103 postage stationery etc 152 028 Michigan Ccwalry. First, repairssetc Y I `152 dehoiency appropriation for traveling ox- 4__9 t1ian;portation; printing ...,,, nses .._. - .. l c er s . _ _,_.., * , Jlichigage City, Ind., for expenses, department of cavalry. appropriation for improvement of outer _ art111ery.nn infantry tnctics"- 152,628 harbor 1 .. 344 cwxl and mnhtary engmeenng- -, - . 153, 629 for improvement of umer harbor-, ,__ _ - 844 I natural and expemmental pluloso- Mwhigan Eastern Judicial District, Ph? ---- T -~--------------------- l§3» 629 two divisions smbnshcd ... og I nzsthsmmcs -.-------~ , ------ 193- 629 northern division . 6r· , lnsfory. gscsrsvhy, Md ethics ·--- M,629 southern division . 67 . ¢h¢m¤¤tYY· ¤¤¤¢1‘=*1<>&‘¥· Md K601- fcrms; jurisdiction; clerks . 67 1 GSX ———--------—-·—---—~---——-—- 163- 629 sttornsy and marshal- - -, - - ... - 68 d¤W1¤g —-----—---————--———--————- 12*- 629 criminal prosecution; Jumcs; pending 68 l {¤<>d¤1'¤ l*‘m8'¤*8°¤ -----—<--------- gauges ____________ _ ______________ BW . . · . M· D`· pe z lt A ’- · pmcticalmilitaryengineering . 154, 630 wmw%¢#¤;;%m0n' pm mei of ‘ <>¤1¤¤¤<>¤ wd s¤¤¤¤r»t ---·----·--- 1M, 630 approprigtion for microscopnst. nssmst;65 _98 for gpnlrchase of Dmggs-Schroeder (B0 _ _ _ ______ __ ___,__. .4 . I ~ - - .. - . - - - - .. ... for i:$.;{{g§L{6;l§;f _________________ 267, 730 g for models of gun carriages. etc ... 630 rm- mm- investigation ,____________ 271, 735 1 for stationery, tryurcr s office ,,... M'dd? f , P P-,**6*** Pa? mhst mm --————-·———- ·’°· izayrixggt 0;€Té¥>urt of Claims judgmental 4 I dotaclntuent Quartermustefs Depart 15a to _______________ _ _____,_._,,_. . , 75 , men . `