Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1347

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INDEX. 1 325 P . . Hama, Ezaa (widow), °g° Horn, Pm P€¤Si0D . 1011 duty on manufactures of ..,...______ 535 Holt, Parley C., Horn, H. P. M, payment of Court of Claims judgment to payment of Courtof Claims judgment to- 467 executor . 474 Horn Island Pass, Miss., Holther, Charles, Hpreliminary examination of, to be made- - 366 paymentof Courtof Claims judgment to- 468 orns, Homeopathic Hospital, D. C., on free list, unmauufsctured ____________ 541 appropriation for maintenance 259, 762 Horse, Report on Diseases of the, Homestead Certificates, printing authorized; distribution ... 613 sale of soldiers additional, declared valid, Horserakes, etc ... - ... 397 on free list, proviso . 548 Homestead Land Entries, Horses (see also Animals), time for iinal proof and payment ex- on list, straying across boundary tended one year .. 123 line, etc ._,,.._______ _ ____ 537 lands ceded on Yankton Indian Reserva- temporary grazing in Mexico permitted - 577 tion, open to _._____ _ _____..,,,. 3 19 Horses, Army, I Coeur d’Aleue Reservation, open to --- 323 appropriation for purchases; limit ____ 239, 660 Siletz Indian Reservation, open to 326 de ciency appropriation for ... 480, 484, 871 Lapwai Indian Reservation, open to - - 332 Hgrases, etc., Claims, Hgqnggtead pm, ‘ ciency appropriation for- - - 480, 484, 871, 874 construction of bridge authorized across HWWMG NGUB, Monongahela River, Pittsburg, to- 88 Hduty 011 -·-----·-----------·---------·~-- 519 Hmnestead Settlers, °"“8h°e8• , extension of mm, rm sm payment, etc., H66W <>¤ wr0¤sM-¤·<>¤ <¤ #*1 ----------- 5*9 omahoma ... . s, ssa, 901 0**0**, -707*0 C'-, in Oklahoma may receive patent in one H“PP’°P*'“m°¤ fm' ——------· »· -——-··——-·—-- 262 year by paying $1.50 an acre .. 3 3* ‘"'d Hay H06e, right to commute entries on ceded Sioux “tY 0*-* COW-i?", etc ---—------—·--—------- 529 Reservation, S. Dak., extended to H3“· H!/dl'!-'“"°• · Nebraska ,__..___ __ _____.___._ 4 H *19;; 0¤ iw6u --------------------------- 599 allowed additional entries, Iowa Rcserva- 0¤1~ 61 Q°’P’· A"’"C’/v _ tion, gpg, _______________ 2 ________ 37 Huppgoprmtnon for . 233, 655 m burnt ms:.-m1s,w1s¤0¤s1¤, Mmmsm, 0**10* 0'M¤€·‘0¤8, Amy, me moms two years H¤1>v;<>1>¤¤¤¤¤ for pay -------~--------- 966, 657 more to e iinalproof---- - . 634 $*1** al ·$*<éP6*`<g6, A""?/» to receive patents on paying mlmmum 1 PPT°pn“ on °’ q rs --—-·--····· 240· 661 price ,_._._,_.,._____. 635 H°“}”tal*v,ATm?}v , may cut timber, etc., license .. 635 i apgmgrmtéon br °°”S§*'“°h°'-l· etc ---- 240, 661 1;.,,,,;,,,-,,,,, for b qtdpmrpgs, A}; -»·---- 640, 661

 for ujiujspgr ____ _ ______ _   ,       lu1D1l2g1 Ort eades S- Dak- — - - - -  

Hanfeors S°°r°tary of lcguhon `````````` M2' 816 i)·g'u·i1ctiou.ou,,for contagious diseases--- 758 H0,. 5.,,, ua _______._..___,__,..._..__ 541 Hgggngggogrgagwth <>f6<=·>r ----·-------· *59 m’·*¤ —--------------------·---------- 55* “pJL$°¥Z‘§3f$?,'2,£§2"3”?“‘%§‘”‘”é°"sv “"’i3`i Hgnglifgniqiatiou for consul at 145 819 Hm SI"`i",‘7°’~.·’*"k··’ L', 00 yn, ~ d t pity glerk hire ... III; I Z I I Il us; 823 “PP"°{l,"“"‘°“ '°'."3’“*"» °*°·· Amy “°d H<>··~l~~, . M ,...;‘5’,¥,'.i"§$.”‘°i,,;."A‘,,.. ‘‘‘‘‘ as “‘°*“‘ appropriation for secretary of logation Hospital PP · Y avgn 661 =····*·=·····***·*··»<··>·=·**·* —---·—---—-—- ****0** Me,,,,,, ,, ,v,;,¤isaz,;,‘ use 12a;,; Km ’ H00f;;, rst M1 Navy §E.'))Sglt8l 480 H°n 6° 1 ‘ 2 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘’``‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ construction of otels, etc. authorized cop Iron or ,Steel,_ conditions * * ,,9 6¤*r¤¤·¤¤=¤¤·~*6·*0 ——--—---··——-—--—-· 5*5 .,,.,,y of 1,., byHe;;";i,;.;,;",2asiaea;ea‘ 1061 HMP" Vane!} A9“""y· Q“l·· lease of land for cogwater reservoir au; appropriation fp; Indian agent at . 286, gg morized * ,,63 f r a on ro . - . · ``‘```‘``````‘`‘```‘‘` '“ tgp xpiort, em., or umass at .. 304,893 **61** ‘}Q’;1“}’{§SF€“1?fjg,ffl"°“6hW“S*M°“‘ 21 Howe ,A M16-, ° an fl th ii 1uu·éé{"`§"1}"""T payriientldf Court of Claims judgment to- 459 { 60 pgocg _______ (T 274 Hop Poles, . i use of lands by Barry Hospital, granted- 95 On free list - ..»--- - ------—-- 545 Hot Springs W ater Comlpany, H»p Rootlslbt . 541 i Hleaslec of to. for co d-water reservoir- 263 on ree-·----- · ---·----— ctc iss. Thomas WZ, Hoppe ,Jame·vM·. i p vm t fC iu-t £Cl ‘ s' dgm tm- 4·· payrdentof Courtof Claims judgment to- 471 30;;,, (gg, 0 0 aim Ju an I0 Hggys, 5°3 i having lgsls thfm 25 iiooms for guests for- ________ - __-----.----- - . .· bi · en iquor icense ---------____ *6 _H'q:;x,0£g;1ig_ _ _ Hoa%litalir1g. TV. J.,_ _ l payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 404 · de ciency appropriation for _-__-____ _ __ 866 gorgen, Hmek, Hon. G. WZ, late a Representative in appropriation for consul at ... 147,821 y _ C'<>¤yress, _ _ _ for dm-]; mm _______________ - ...---- 149,823 I deliciency appropriation for widow of- - - 448