Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1304

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1282 INDEX. Page. 5 _ Page- Cape Fear River. N. C., ‘ Caraway Qzl, _ appropriation for improving, above Wil- { on free 11St . - ..·.-..---- -142 mington .,_._,._,_... 350 i Caraway Seeds, _ _ below Wilmington . 350 i on free list .._.. 044 for lighting _________.____._..__.._. 377, 918 i Carberrqy, Hugh B., _ _ survey of, above Fayetteville directed- - - 370 i payment of Court of Claims Judgment to- 466 Cape Haitien, l Carboys, appropriation for consul at ... 148, 822 1 duty on _... 513 Cape Lookout, N. C.,Card Clothing, preliminary examination of harbor of i duty on Steel wire .. 518 refuge, to be made .._...,. 367 , all other - 518 Cape May, N J, Cardamorn, Seeds, appropriation for boathouse for light- 011 free list . 544 ship _,_`____,,_______ . ___________. 375 Calrdboards, 532 Ca Pm-poise, Me., uty on  » ggeliminary examination of harbor, to be ‘ Cardenas, made __________________________,__ 366 Y appropriation for consul at ... 148, 822 Cape Spartel Light, ’ Cardiff, ~ _ appropriation for expenses .._.,.___.__ 143, 818 appropriation for consul at ... 147, 821 Cape Town, Cards, Playing (see Playing Cards). appropriation for consul at 148, 821 Carey, John F., _ Capital Railway Company, payment of Court of Clauns judgment to- 457 incorporated; route, etc 721 Carkhujf, John W., Ca ital Traction Company, payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 464 dock Creek Railway may change name Carlisle, Pa., to ,... 701 appropriation for Indian school .____,. 309, 904 Capitol, t deficiency appropriation for Indian school 873 appropriation for repairs, etc . 393, 935 é Carlos`s Band, Flathead Indians, ger elevator to Supreme Court rooms- - 393 [ appropriation for support, etc., of -.--.- 302. ` for Hugs; cleaning works of art --. 935 · Carmines, for repairs, etc., Senate wing ---.. 935 { on free list ---.---.--.-..-_____ _ ____ 541 for improving grounds .,...- 393, 935 Carmody, Stephen. · for elevators, ouse wing --.-.--.. 393 payment of Court of Claims judgment to_ 469· for repairs to engine house, stables, etc- 935 Carney, Ellen (mother) , for purchase of electric-lighting plants pension .---.--..--.. . -. 1040 for Senate and House --..-...-..-. 935 Carney} James, ‘ for lighting building and grounds- - - 393, 935 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 469 arrangement to furnish electric cur- Carniauw, Frank P., rent for one year, authorized .-..-. 935 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 453 for changing, etc., water-pipe line to- -- 944 » Carpenter, C. F., deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc- 59 may accept medal, etc., from Spain - 990 for improving grounds. etc -.-..-.-.- 59, 857 Carpenter, J. K., for lighting .-..---..-.. - 438 may accept medal, etc., from Spain _____ 990 bronze tablet to commemorate laying cor- 1 Carpenter, Moses W. , ner stone to be set in wall of ______ 581 1 pension ,_____,_______________ _ _________ 1025 tunnel from new library building to be i Carpets, constructed -...-...,...-...--,,,- 959 duty on hemp and jute __________ _ ______ 529. Wisconsin authorized to place statue of cork .-..-_-___ Q ___________ _ ______ 529. Pére Marquette in Statuary Hall-- 12 wool, etc ,_________ _ ___________ _ _ _ 531 Capitol. Centennial of Laying the Corner t wool, flax, or cotton. not specified ____ 531 Stone. ; Carriages, Gun and Mortar, use of Capitol grounds permitted for cel- appropriation for ___________ _ _________ mg, 705 ebration of . . ...-..-.. 10 [ "Carrie Dye," Schooner, joint committee of Senate and House on _ deficiency appropriation for owners --.-. 857 ceremonies .-..-.. 10 i Carrls River, N. K, made a public holiday ...,.. 11 , preliminary examination gf, to bg made_ 36y loan of flags, etc., authorized ... 1-%- 11 i Carroll, Jlaaréce R, appropriation or printing, etc.,reporto - 578 ‘ paymento ourt of Claims ‘udg-ment t0_ bronze tablet to commemorate, to be set · Carson, Nev., J 466 in wall of original building .._ 581 ; apfpropriation for salaries, mint at 183 784 Capitol Police, ‘ or wages; contingent expenses . 183, 784 appropriation for captain, lieutenants, i for Indian school ,___,__ 309, 904 etc _...l 165, 767 * Cart, S. M, ’ for contingent expenses --- 165, 767 appropriation for reimbursement ... 893 deficiency appropriation for one month’s i Carter. Charles, extra pay 20,864 » deiciency appropriation for Se;-vices__ 44g_ 866 Caipsicum, Carter, James C., uty on 525 deficiency appropriation for adqjtioml Carabelle, Fla., pay, counsel Bering Sea arbitrapreliminary examination of harbor to be tion _,__________ _ _______ _ _______ 424 made . 365 Carier, Martha Custis (widow). H Caracas Awards, pension increased ________________ 1038 accretions to fund credited to new awards- 635 Careers Harbor. Me. , — _``-- Cararels of Columbus. survey of, directed _______,_______ 370 transferred to Columbian Museum, Chi- Casa Grande, Ariz., _-___` cago . 842 . appropriation for custodian of min 396, 938