Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1298

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1 2 7 6 INDEX. p,,_ge_ Page. Books, n Bounty, _ _ duty on ________________________________ 533 | appropriation for nava.1 apprentices out- _ ou free usa, pl-mma more than twenty 1 . Hp- - , .¤.-·-. 12v, S?7 yggrg _____________________________ 538 s appropriation for, V0].11Ht09l`S . 412, 9Q§ scientific, etc _____________.__,_,__,.._ 538 for additional . f .. 1 ,1- - - *112, 900 in fg;-eign languages __________________ 538 deficiency appropria ion 01* GD is 1116311 raised print for the blind .. 538 to S6&m611 ...------- 481, 485, 872, 875 fo;·1;bg(}0vm·um8ut ___________________ 538 for destruction of encmics’ Vessels 481; for colleges, libraries, etc .. 538 485, 487, 872, S70 in use by persons from abroad 538 duties of Second Comptroller as to, reprofessiouul, of immLg·ra.11ts, etc ... 543 peeled 207 Booth, James O., . Bounty Land Wanurgts, _ _ payment to legal representatives 1022 [ receivable for certain land entries .. 594 Boots. | Bounty on Sugar, duty ou leuther _______________________ _ _ 534 appropriation for payment on sugar pro- Boraeic Acid, duced previous toAug. 28, 1894 933 duty on .,.,_.__________ 509 for payment on sugar produced from Boraw, Aug. 28, 1894, to June 30, 1895 .. 933 duty on crude, or borate of soda . 509 exceptions .. 934 bg;-ate of lime ________________________ 509 rules to be prescribed ..__... 934 mined _____ _ _________________________ 509 drawing warrants; minimum quan- Bardeaum, tity .. 934 u mpi-iution for consul at , . .. 146, 820 additional agents to examine claims- 934 Pilar clerk hire - . 149, 823 penalty for fraudulent aplplications- - 934 Bormann, George W., repealed; issuing licenses un awful ..._. 521 paymeutof Courtof Claimsjudgmentto- 467 Bowles, Cornelius VT, Bos, A., payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 453 payment to widow of _._,.___ _ .. 993 1 Box Wood, Boston Harbor, 011 free list, rough, etc .. 546 appropriation for range lights, Spectacle [ Bow, Marcus D., sland .. .. . 915 pension increased ..__,..____ 1029 Boston Ice Company, Boxes, paymentof Court of Claims judgment to- 475 1 duty on packing, wood ,____________ 521 Boston, Mass., orange and lemon ..._____,___ 524 up ropriation for navy-yard 130 Boyd, Orsemus B., Eirsalaries, assistant treasurer’s office 181, 782 commutation of rations, etc., to legal for improvement of harbor _.. 338 representatives ,.. 1026 for marine hospital; . 914 Boyle, Charles, for light-ship and fog signal 374, 915 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 457 for range lights ._.. 374,915 1 Boyle, Henry A., construction of light-ship nearnuthorized 227 1 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 457 harbor range lights to be established 227 I Boiyle, Watson, life-saving station authorized at City I eiiciency appropriation for services 447 Point, harbor of .. . ... 672 Bozeman, Mont., Botanic Garden, I deiiciencyuppropriation for fish hatchery 430 appropriation for superintendent, as- , Braces, sistants, etc 168, 772 duty on cotton, etc _______________ _ _____ 529 for repairs and improvements .. 168, 772 I wool, etc ..,_____________ _ ____________ 531 for repairs, etc . 419, 959 _ silk, etc ...____________ _ _________ _ ____ 53;; accounts to be examined by Auditor for 1 Bracken., .h¢mes P., State, etc., Departments .. 207 · paymeutof Court of Claims judgment t0_ 466 Botany Dimxion, Department of Agricul· Q Bradbury, Oséar M., ture, 1 tmtof ourtof Claims 'udgm appropriation for botanist, assistants, , Bgmk and Homestead Brid gcmzut 465 etc ... , . 265, 728 g may bridge Monongahela, giver, gttsfor expenses 267, 730 burg, Pu _____________ _ ___________ 88 Botany, Slpecimens of, · Bradford, on free ist .,_.. 544 1 appropriation for gong`;] at ____________ 146 S20 Bottles, Glass, , or clerk hire ___________ _ ___________ 14g’ 823 duty ou molded or pressed, etc . - 513 Bradford, Ann (mother), ’ cut, etc - . 513 pension ,_______ _ ___________ _ __ 1022 no separate duty on, containing ale, l Bradford, John S., etc ... 526 1 sureties on bond of, released ____________ 992 Bouejf Riwr, Ark., Bradley, Mkhael, preliminary examination Of, to be 111368- 364 { pity1I1E11i0f C0urt0fClaim.s judgment to 465 Boundary, d d f Bradley, William T., ` appropriation exten e or commission, ymentof Courtof Claims 'udgm Canadian ,.<.4... 417 · Brgzads, J °"t t°‘ 467 convention extending time of commission , duty on cut ___________ _ _________ 519 to rfelocate, Mexgcagl- -k E -1. 1213 Brady, John T.. ``````` to comp ete survey 0 , as a an ri - payment of Court of Claims `ud , isn North America . . .. 1200 Bruids, J gm'"" t"‘ 457 Boumlary Survey, United States and Mem- duty on cotton_ gm __________ __ 529 ioan, wool, etc __________ _ _______ _ ```````' 531 payments members of commission “ si1k,etc _________ _ _________ ___::':"' 532 10g8h10d . - .. - .--. 424 I 011 free list, of straw, qt;;,, for mts _ c 538